ssuction cup frustrations!
ssuction cup frustrations!
Is there any alternative to suction cups? I just can't get them to hold anything, or stick on the glass. I want to put up a 2nd level shell shop...but the s. Cups never hold. Any hints or ideas?
18 crabs! PP'S (sammy, ignats, puffeley, doofenshmirtz, phineas, ferb, perry and squirmy) E'S (herman, lady bug, zo) RUGGIES (meep, major monogram and carl) BLUES (beauford and baljeet) INDOS (candace and isabella)
5 fish, 3 cats and a human kid.
5 fish, 3 cats and a human kid.
- Posts: 177
- Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:14 pm
- Location: Raleigh,NC
Re: ssuction cup frustrations!
Do you use the ones that lock? They work better as long as there is not too much weight.
Some members use the 3M removeable hooks. I have not tried them yet but I will on my next clean.
Some members use the 3M removeable hooks. I have not tried them yet but I will on my next clean.
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- Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:03 pm
- Location: Gahanna, OH
Re: ssuction cup frustrations!
Yes, I like the powerlock ones best, but even those don't hold if they are over the glass where you have a UTH mounted.
Owner of 4 PPs
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Re: ssuction cup frustrations!
I was able to kludge together a rubber-backed magnet mount several months ago, hasn't failed me yet. If you want I can send you a how-to. Unfortunately, the magnets are hard to come by.