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Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:29 pm
by Vasliki
Haha, yep! I dreamt of decorating my hermit crab tank the other night. Everything was clear and I had so many amazing ideas. I woke up and was so excited I started writing down everything I'd seen in my dream. Some were feasible, others were downright possible and looked super cool.

I currently have three crabs in ISO that I'm wanting to move fairly soon, as they are too large for the 10G they're in at the moment. I have 5 crabs in my main tank.

What do you guys do with your crab when you're rearranging? This project might take a little while to fully complete (mainly due to having to drive to a couple of different places for supplies). I definitely don't want to needlessly stress my crew, and I think I'll hold off adding the new guys, as they're still super shy and freak out with any movements. But, again, this project requires a fair amount of rearranging.

Plans are:

Add more substrate. Add more to the 2nd level. Make the substrate super deep at one side of the tank. Possibly move in-substrate freshwater pool (4" deep, so a big move. Might also replace the pool with a round one, instead of rectangular).

I don't have any molters currently (although two are dug under, because they're my diggers, ha ha). People have suggested a large plastic tote, but if I'm only moving them for 2-3 days, how would I set this up?

Thankies! :crabbigsmile:

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:02 pm
by ems10011
Cool ideas and post pics when your finished

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:18 pm
by Vasliki
ems10011 wrote:Cool ideas and post pics when your finished
I plan to! I have a few projects that I plan to post once I figured out how to put them together. I got one that I'm just itching to try, but I won't share it just yet in case it doesn't work the way I think it will, lol. :laugh:: One involves coconuts. I'm excited.

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:54 pm
by Vasliki
Hopefully going to pick up my supplies tonight! Got what I need for my 'Highway' idea. Now I just need some velcro, magnets, substrate, coconuts and a hemp net. Then... then the project begins! :smt005

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:58 pm
by ems10011
Thats sounds like a lot of woork

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:34 pm
by ameisel
That sounds really cool! I can't wait to see pictures. :)

Re: Dreamt of Decorating

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:29 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Here's what I would do... if you have a 10 gallon ISO and you are ready to move those crabs back to the main tank, then I would first collect everything you need to do your project. Then I would plan a day to do the whole rework. Since the ISO is presumably set up with correct humidity and temp move all of the crabs there and give them something entertaining like half of a fresh coconut to keep them busy and not as likely to have any quarrels. Also, I'd make sure they have places to hide and feel safe. Then you have an empty tank to work away and by end of day they can all go back in the big tank.