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clay that hardens in oven

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:58 pm
by MommaChristina
I have a bunch of this clay that hardens in the oven, was wondering if it was safe to use in the tank, so I could make a few things for them. :)
it is called 'eberhard faber fimo soft' after you mold it you bake in oven at 265 for 30 minutes...
its becomes hard so was thinking I could make some hiding spots and a few climby things for them????
any thoughts or opinions???

Re: clay that hardens in oven

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:12 pm
by wodesorel
It's a polymer clay (PVC and chemicals), and from what I can find it's not food safe. I looked into whether it's considered to be aquarium safe, and because of the plasticizers it's not considered safe for fish either. It is non-toxic for humans and children, but the MSDS doesn't list any ingredients other than saying none of it's ingredients are toxic. I really dunno, there isn't much info out there on it aside from sculpting with it.

Re: clay that hardens in oven

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:51 pm
by MommaChristina
thanks so much, it was alot more info than I found out ;)