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New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:59 pm
by TheDivineZero
I've been looking for a tank fooorever and I got a call and my Grandfather found a 55g!

Sadly at the moment, it's sitting in the car, and doesn't have a lid yet.. But I thought it would be nice to have a thread with showing my tank as I put it together.. (Is this in the right forum... sorry if it isn't! I'm always confused with this stuff) I'll get pictures when I get it in the house, and read how to put pictures on, I forgot again

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:29 am
by aussieJJDude
Can't wait to see he pics

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:30 pm
by deedeeiam
A cheap simple lid solution are condensation trays on amazon. Stick them on with a little Velcro.
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:48 pm
by TheDivineZero

Sorry about the cats... they wouldn't move so I just let them explore

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:43 pm
by aussieJJDude
Awww, are you going to put cat fish in there???

Awesome, and the cats help bring it to scale

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:33 am
by Cecil716
If you need ideas for a tank, I got tons.I am picking up a 110g (rather tall tank as well, 60x18x29 if I am correct) and I already have a waterfall (almost done), hide (homemade one with lots of climbing stuff), a ton of fake plants and some bubbler pool stuff. Any tank larger then 30g has room for live plants so thats and idea. I don't know much about cats but I am sure they are not crab friendly (I know there just hanging out near the tank but for safety, get a glass lid)
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:03 am
by aussieJJDude
Chelsea716 wrote:I don't know much about cats but I am sure they are not crab friendly (I know there just hanging out near the tank but for safety, get a glass lid)
I pretty sure she is going to get a glass lid

If you read her first post, you might of noticed she say that "it doesn't have a lid yet..."
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:40 am
by TheDivineZero
Okay I can start working on my tank now, I just got back from a band/choir trip to Disney World. And I have 60$ of leftover money from it to spend on the tank

I am thinking about live plants.. but I kill just about everyone I touch.. I'll get something hardy then.. And yes, I'll be getting glass lids, but the cats aren't a worry. Snickers, the one in front of the tank is the one that shows interest in the crabs, but won't do the work to get to them. And the one in the back of the tank, Stitch, is too scared to get close

They're strange. But that is all I have updates on so far, I haven't done anything else except clean it yet.
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:41 pm
by WeezyBash
Any updates yet since cleaning it last week? Excited to see pics!

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:16 pm
by Cecil716
Don't forget to check out dollar stores and walmarts for cheaper things rather then petshop items ^-^. I was just joking around on how cats and crabs don't mix.... I know dogs and crabs don't mix (Playing with the crabs, my little Chihuahua come out to look.. crabby pinches dog. Dog tries to lick the evil out of the crab).
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:57 pm
by TheDivineZero
Sadly I haven't done anything with the tank, because I have nowhere to put it

I didn't quite think that through when I got the tank

The only thing long enough to put it on is my kitchen table, but I don't think my family would appreciate that. At the moment there is a 36x18x18 and a 55 gallon in the corner of the dining room.. But I am planning on buying stuff and such.. but I'm kind of stuck with nowhere to put it at the moment sadly.
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:42 pm
by Cecil716
You could buy a table at ikea

Luckly my 180 gallon came with a stand (metal) and that I have a nice spot for it ^-^
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:18 pm
by zippity
Beautiful tank and kitties, funny how cats have to investigate things thoroughly.
Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2
Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:17 pm
by TheDivineZero
It's been about 2 years

I'm not sure if I can just come back and post on this again. I never got any further with the tank build. I sadly had lost all of my crabs

My care was not 100%, so I took a step back. After my cousin got hermit crabs, I helped him build a crabitat and realized that I
really wanted to get some more shelled friends. I'm not sure when I can exactly get my plan in motion.... but I have ideas after seeing some gorgeous ones! My plans are to get it set up.. and then monitor it until everything is perfect before getting any crabs. I do have a few concerns, though. I've seen a trend with using false bottoms, but I'm not sure I could build one correctly. I thought about taking a teeny tiny corner and using something corner-guard like to block it off and monitor it regularly for excess water. I'd of course, have it extend completely to the lid to keep any curious

out. I could possibly make a false bottom work, but I was kind of put off when I heard about a crab getting through one or something to that affect. This is getting long-winded.. sorry

I just have alot to say... This is all for now, I think, I'm just glad to be back

Re: New 55g! Putting Together and Suches Thread!
Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:30 am
by CallaLily
A false bottom can offer peace of mind if you use a humidifier/fogger but it's not a requirement.