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CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:17 pm
by CrabbyJ
Hey I need some advice on making a DIY crabitat, I'm going to explain my idea that i got from others on this site that have built them (Esp Kip) :) This will be from scratch and I have never done anything like this before but I am very handy for the most part :)

My Plan: (Roughly it's a 300 Gallon Enclosure)

I want to have a bottom "Substrate box dedicated for the sub and have a top enclosure the can be removable for cleaning, moving etc.

I was planning on using wood glue and screws to join the panels together along with outer metal braces on the edges/corners for extra support. Then I was going to use silicon to seal of the corners and edges and line the wood box with a pond liner. (I'm nervous about molding however with this option, what is a false bottom and how do I incorporate it into my design?) <----?????? Any Tips?

The bottom Enclosure measurements:

48" (4ft) X 24" (2ft Deep Sub) X 24" Wide

I was planning on using 1/2'' plywood for the starting of the box using (3) 48" X 24" panels for the front and back sides and bottom then (2) 24" X 24" end pieces to make a wooden box


As for the Top Enclosure Goes:

I was going to use the same plywood and have (2) boards 43" X 24" for the sides and (1) Board for the back which would measure 43" X 48" for the back piece and join it together like I will the bottom box part by using wood glue silicon, screws and metal braces.

Then do the same thing and line the inside of the top enclosure with the pond liner (Worried about crabs chewing through it or wood molding behind the liner though) <-----?????? Any Tips?

Should I use plastic sheeting under the pond liner on both top and bottom? or anything else to prevent mold and mildew??


After I get the Top and Bottom Done I need to figure out the top of the enclosure and how to include a hood light and (2) Heat Emitters for heat since I cannot use UTH, how do I molt the Heat emitters? and what type of top should I use? I'm still stuck on this part :P


Looking for advice and answers to a few questions I have, this will be a long project and I will update as I go along :) I was inspired by Kip so any advice from him would be AWESOME! :) Thanks!!!!!!

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:43 am
by CrabbyJ
I have since changed the measurements to make the substrate less deep, I believe I'm going to about 17-18" of substrate now, trying to figure out what type of 2 part epoxy to use since I can't find that info anywhere, seems like I will need more protection with the pond liner against the wood since crabs can claw and chew right through anything and I don't want to the wood to mold.

I am starting the bottom base this week constructing the base out of the wood, going to make it more secure with cut 2X4's for a frame. I guess I will just wing this whole project since I can't seem to find any one to help, though I enjoyed reading about everyone's custom builds

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:05 am
by CallaLily
I don't have any answers but wanted to wish you luck. Im looking forward to seeing your progress. Have you checked out Wodesorel's build thread where she converted a display case? I think you might find some answers on the epoxy there. ... 52&t=74173
And curious_kitty's thread may help you some too: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=74449

Sorry I can't be more help.

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 10:34 am
by Sunndannce
I recommend using Pond shield.
It's an easy epoxy to use, it's non toxic, and safe for aquariums. Infact, you might want to use it instead of a liner on all the indoor of your design!


Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:20 pm
by CrabbyJ
WOW THANKS GUYS!! Just want to make sure I do this right for my exo kids :) I want a smaller version of Kip's build that is about 300 gallons total :) I will check out your suggestions! and of course will update on my progress :)

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:52 pm
by kip.rogers357
Hey, just saw this! Hope you got my PM, if not let me know and i'll post it here.
Good luck on this build! Can't wait to see the progress! :D

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:59 pm
by CrabbyJ
Thanks everyone especially KIP! for giving me all the great suggestions! I'm going to start this with some $$ I got for my Birthday and again I will post my progress here :) You guys all gave great ideas and I'm thinking of some last minute changes to my design :) Thanks!

Re: CrabbyJ's DIY Crabitat Project

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:23 pm
by kip.rogers357
Any updates?