hermies and fiddlers?

For discussion and photos of all of the non-hermit crab pets we hold dear, including other crab species.

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Post by Guest » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:14 pm

that's good.  Oh and just to clarify this (for me personally) - does the saltwater for the hermies need to be saltier that the pond for the fiddlers?

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Post by NotaMallard » Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:17 pm

Fiddlers naturally come from an area with fluctuating salt water levels, so you could just make your fiddler pond have a little less than full strength. The hermies will just drink more salt water to regulate.
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.

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Post by Guest » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:21 am

how do you tell the male fiddlers from the females?

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Post by NotaMallard » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:49 pm

Male fiddlers will have asymmetrical claws, one will be WAY bigger than the other. Females have two tiny claws.
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:30 am

Well I got a couple of fids to go with my hermies Sat. :) They seem to be doing well, but I see them in the fresh water pool instead of their brackish pool sometimes. Is that because they got used to the fresh water at the pet store? Just curious.

The Hermies don't seem to mind them at all. In fact, since I put the new pool in with the water fall in it, they are out even more. They seem to really like it. They are all getting along well. I only have a small pool for the fids but I only have two. One of my straws knocked the water filter over and some of the water poured into the tat :( Somehow I have to figure out how to keep it upright and the Hermies from getting behind it. Fortunately, I do not have any molters, but I do have one that is buried but she is already done molting. I would think she will come up if there is to much water wouldn't you think?

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:41 pm

My fids hang out in the fresh water alot, too, but they're in the brackish pool plenty as well. Aren't they awesome!? sometimes I reach in and let them get in my hand and then let 'em kind of "flop" off into their pool. I've also found that they'll eat more readily if the food is in the water (on the bottom), so I just sink some fish flakes and the occasional crab pellet for them. Oh, and about the water issue, the EXACT same thing happened to me, except that my sand literally became like soup. It was a nightmare trying to dry it out enough for the crabs, and even so, when they went back in after I was done putting the pool in it was wetter that it's ever been. However, they seemed to like it more - more active at night, better humidity, and lots more digging, so I wouldn't worry about your fresh molter too much.

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:50 pm

ISTARI_FREAK wrote:My fids hang out in the fresh water alot, too, but they're in the brackish pool plenty as well. Aren't they awesome!? sometimes I reach in and let them get in my hand and then let 'em kind of "flop" off into their pool. I've also found that they'll eat more readily if the food is in the water (on the bottom), so I just sink some fish flakes and the occasional crab pellet for them. Oh, and about the water issue, the EXACT same thing happened to me, except that my sand literally became like soup. It was a nightmare trying to dry it out enough for the crabs, and even so, when they went back in after I was done putting the pool in it was wetter that it's ever been. However, they seemed to like it more - more active at night, better humidity, and lots more digging, so I wouldn't worry about your fresh molter too much.
Hi thanks for the words of encouragement. I haven't been brave enough to reach in and hold them and they are pretty scared of me right now. The male hangs out more than the female. I have seen them in the brackish pool a couple of times. I put some shrimp in the pool and a little of the pellets that sink and they are gone. So I am not sure if they ate them or if the Hermies got to them. :hlol:

So how are you keeping the water filter from falling down now? I tried to block it with some rocks, but the pool is pretty small so I didn't want to take up too much of the room for the Fids.

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Post by Guest » Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:37 pm

my filter came with an attachable suction cup on the back (technological wonder of the century, I know) but it works great. oh, would you mind putting a picture of your tat on here? I'm curious to see how other people
combine hermits with fids.

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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:47 am

ISTARI_FREAK wrote:my filter came with an attachable suction cup on the back (technological wonder of the century, I know) but it works great. oh, would you mind putting a picture of your tat on here? I'm curious to see how other people
combine hermits with fids.
Hi - Yes I will take a pic and figure out how to get it on here. I added some pics a while ago so hopefully I will remember :) Mine came with suction cups too but the way my pool is, it slopes in so the cups don't line up. I am thinking I could just use some adhesive and glue the filter to a flat piece of rock that so that it will have a steady base. I think the Hermies like the new pool better than the Fids do. :hlol:

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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:17 pm

I had the sloping problem at first, too, so I just leveled off a small area at the filter end the exact shape of the filter's base - and, only one of the suction cups on mine will go flush with the glass, but since it's resting on the bottom of the pool too, it doesn't go anywhere. But your rock idea is pretty cool - if you do that you could (theoretically) put it anywhere in the pool (might be able to kind of make it look more tasteful - instead of the hulking, splashing black box that it is now...)

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Post by Guest » Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:09 pm

I recently added a moss pit to my tat and was wondering if it was "normal" for the fiddlers to burrow in it...or if I need to dig them out... :? :?

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Post by Xena » Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:17 pm

ISTARI_FREAK wrote:I recently added a moss pit to my tat and was wondering if it was "normal" for the fiddlers to burrow in it...or if I need to dig them out... :? :?
I can't answer for the fiddlers, but it is very normal for hermies to burrow AND molt in it...I would think that it is no different for fiddlers...

I just changed from a built in the sand moss pit to a shower caddy pit so that I would have more floor space in the 75 gallon and I found ELEVEN crabs burrowed in it and 5 of them were freshly molted...

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Post by poncho » Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:11 pm

my fids burrow in the sand and I find them all over the place, I would not worry about it...they would know if it wasn't right, mine have dragged moss to there hole and whatever else they can get a hold of :hlol:
wife to very patient husband,mommy to three little ones
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Post by Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:46 am

Haven't been on in a little while as I have been busy so thought I would just update you on the progress of my new fids and brackish pool. I think my hermies love the pool more than the fids. They are all out all the time now and I put a moss pit above the pool so the moss is nice and moist and they are all in there frequently as well. I have to figure out a way to give them more frontage so they can all hang out in it. I am thinking of putting the pool right in the middle of the tat so they can surround all sides but then I have an issue with the waterfall. I figured out how to keep it up as I tied a piece of yarn around it and tied it to a hook that is on the side of the tank. they climb all over it, the cord, and the yarn but it seems to stay up.

I don't think the fids are eating what I am putting in the pool so I have been putting food in the sand for them. I never see them eat so hopefully they are getting food. I suppose they could be eating out of the hermies dish too when I am not looking?

I have some pics, but the glass was a bit dirty so it is hard to see. I will try posting and you can see if you can see.

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Post by Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:14 pm

Ok let's try this. If it works, it is a couple pics I took of Cinnamon enjoying the new waterfall. The crabs can't stay away from it. They are in and around it way more than the fids -


Image :hlol: :hlol:
