aussieJJDude wrote:
I gotta admit, I would be squealing as I would wonder if they could get out of the tat and make me go into hospital!

These aren't your killer aussie bugs.

Unless you're allergic to bees, their sting is only about as bad as a wasp. If you are allergic to bees, then yeah, immediate hospital trip as it will cause anaphylaxis. They also very rarely actually sting - when they get ticked off the adults will pinch rather than use their stinger since their claws are so powerful. Babies are much more trigger happy, but that's just because they're so tiny and vulnerable so they go straight for the sting.
I read up on all the envenomation reports I could find before I decided to get them, and the worst case I found was a guy who had one get out while feeding and who then ran up inside his jean pant leg to hide. Because of the tightness and the movement of the fabric as he was trying to get it back out the scorp panicked and started stinging his leg like crazy. I think he reported like 7 or 8 stings. He should have gone to the hospital or even just a doctor for treatment for that much venom, but instead he stayed home and dealt with it himself. Reported his leg swelling up twice it's normal size and like two days of serious hallucinations, but in the end he was okay. I could live with that. I would be in the hospital, but it wouldn't be life threatening.

All of the other stories ranged from - it hurt like a hornet sting for a week, to it hurt for five minutes and then nothing. It really depends on how much they pump into you and how you react to it. So far I'm okay with bees, so while I don't purposely handle my scorps or put myself at risk, an accidental sting probably won't be a problem.
I flushed out one of the little ones while cleaning in there. Manged to get two bad photos as it went flying across the tank looking for cover:
All you can see is the stinger in this one

Cleaned their tank up, trimmed the plants, and added more hides:
There's only maybe 5 inches of substrate in there as it's settled so much over the past 2 and a half years. I was actually planning on taking the tank apart to add in more before I found the little ones! Now I'm just going to wait until they get much much larger before I try it so they don't get hurt. I'll probably have to tear it apart to get them out anyway once they get to the point where they need more space, so maybe this time next year? Sigh...
Also, photo of Shirley, the new preggo:
I mean, she could be overfed and fat, but my gut is saying babies in her future:
She's huge. This is her in a critter keeper:
And this was Goji last fall in the same critter keeper, and y'all know how big he is! :