Need help from Betta experts please

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Re: Need help from Betta experts please

Post by Hermit-Yote » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:53 am

Rose7314 wrote:do you think I could put these fancy goldfish in an outdoor pond this spring/summer?
I wouldn't, they aren't as hardy as the comets/commonl goldies. They can't swim fast enough to dodge predators IMO.
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Re: Need help from Betta experts please

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:57 am

Yeah you're right, these guys are fat and not fast swimmers at all, try even waddle back and forth when they swim lol my parents only had common goldfish in their pond, I think it is at least 3 feet deep, and I'm not sure what the laws are either in Maine. They never took there's out either, they always hibernated under or in the ice and then came back to life when the weather warmed up and they got HUGE. Then eventually something did eat them out of the pond :(
I think someone has told me Sparkles was a male lol my step daughter named her.....errr him.....and I never changed his name lol is that for breeding reasons that females are better in the current? I also just found out that one of my goldfish is a boy and the other is a girl. Crossing my fingers they don't breed lol

This is G.D. (Garbage Disposal) haha
He is fat and he will eat anything!

Up top the gold guy with the bulgy eyes above Garbage Disposal is Emmy, believe he is the male, he was nipping behind G.D. one day. Then there is my platy Phil (I call him Little ***** because he has a black line over his mouth that looks like a mustache lol) Phil did have a buddy but I got a bad case of Ich and didn't catch it in time and found my other platy and I had another Cory catfish as well and they both died :( I believe they had transferred it from the pet store sadly.
Hmmm where do you get your blocks of foam? I'm going to have to look into it. I'm also having another issue, actually it's not even an issue, but my fish are ALWAYS hungry. I feed them in the morning and at night and no matter what they always act like they are starving. I feed them plenty to go around too so it's not like I'm not feeding them enough. I did read somewhere that you need to feed them a little bit every couple of hours but who has time for that? Lol I'm not home enough to feed them that much. Is this just normal for fish?
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)
