Marine Hermit Cuteness

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Marine Hermit Cuteness

Post by Kleinerhejhog » Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:09 pm

Went into a particular aquarium/fish store for the first time today. As I suspected, it caters to higher end aquarium customers, like for offices and places like that. They had no land hermit crabs; the guy in the shop said they leave those to the experts at Petcos and PetSmarts. I told him very politely that those "experts" have no clue what they are doing. Anyway, I was totally taken in by the marine hermit crabs, they were sooo cute and so small, three or four of them could easily sit on the nail of my pinkie finger. It's too bad I have zero pet budget left, no saltwater setup for me any time soon...

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Re: Marine Hermit Cuteness

Post by wodesorel » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:36 pm

My local shop has the only saltwater in the area. The owner LOVES marine tanks and has a real knack for it. I tell her all the time she puts little hermits in the tank by checkout just to tease me, because she knows a full marine setup is out of the budget right now. :lol: I think the coolest thing she had was pea crabs that the restaurant around the corner found alive in the oysters they were shucking. They brought them all down to her, and she kept them alive for several weeks which is a rarity. Usually without their host oyster they die.
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Re: Marine Hermit Cuteness

Post by Kleinerhejhog » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:50 pm

Oh, wow. Underwater life is so fasinating. I had no clue anything would have a relationship with an oyster like that.
