Post About All The Pets You've had!

For discussion and photos of all of the non-hermit crab pets we hold dear, including other crab species.

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Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Dom :) » Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:48 pm

So I am curious of your pet life :). I am currently a professional hamster breeder and caretaker, professional mouse caretaker even though I no longer had them, Hermit crab, dog, cat, tortoise, GloFish, Goldfish, Snail, Land Snail, Minnow and Beta. So when I was in kindergarden, we had three family dogs. Stormy, a golden weimeriner, (April 4, 1996-----March 21, 2010. RIP) Sophie, a grey Shcnauzer (July 1, 2002----December 25, 2012) and a shih-tzu Stella (May,2 2005-----ALIVE) and a pond full of 18 year old koi fish. So, my sister had two guinea pigs, (who ended up having babies even though they were sold as both female) and a beta fish, bubbles. I was jelous that she was able to have 7 pets. (I counted the babies as hers even though she sold them because I wanted to win the battle :P) and I had 0. (The dogs were "family pets") So, my mom said: "Lets start you out small." So we went to the pet store and I picked out a red beta. I named him Freddy after my uncles gecko i loved so much. So, I fed Freddy 3 food pellets a day, and mom did weekly water changes. So my mom gave away my sisters guinea pigs to the neighbors, and they died two years later, and my sisters beta died after she owned it for 2 years. So my beta then died after 1 1/2 years. I cried and cried, and as a first grader I was over it by dinner. :P. So, I forgot to mention, before Freddy, Before the guinea pigs, and before the other beta we got two rabbits Remmie and Fluffy. So in 1st grader they are currently alive at the age of 5. Fluffy was a netherland dwarf and remmie was a floppy earred or whatever you call them. The 2nd grade mom gets me a gold fish, it died after a week, and we put down Stormy because she became paralysed one day and was throwing up, couldnt hold her bladder, and a bunch of other sad stuff. If your against putting down dogs don't lecture me please. (I'd rather take a dog out of its misery then pet it as its in pain. We stayed with her till the end.) So 3rd grade, I get my first hermit crab, Hermy. He lived in a 1 gallon. So, he actually didnt die. He lived in torture for a year, then about 6 months later I got another grade and combined the two 1 gallons with a cut I cut in half. So the two crabs lived in a 2 gallon. I named number two shelly. Then 4th grade we put down sophie on christmas day :(. I then purchased a 10 gallon tank for the crabbies and bought a 3rd crab.They were finally happy c:. Hermy died in 5th grade. the other two remain today. Then later on in 5th grade my pond was struck by lightning and the 20 year old koi passed. We are buying more the summer. After two years... So, 5th grade started my animal obbsession. Bought two robo hamsters, Einstein and Caprenicas, I then bought a syrian hamster, Cinnamon (Note, they all lived seperate so yes i know there solitary) Then my parents divorced and I got a tibetan mastiff, Izzy (January 7, 2011-----) And when my parents seperated I got tortoises, and mice, and more hamsters. After researching breeding for two years I bred two russian hamsters WHO I KNOW WERENT RELATED! And they had babies. After six months they had more. That will be there last litter. So my mice died.... I dont know how. I had 3 in a 20 gallon. Idk... So today I got the two dogs. 5 hamsters, and as a matter of fact my female breeder died at almost a year old and she still had 4 kids with me that will find new homes soon. (They were born nov 17, there are already grown up and were independant when she passed.) Today I have a 40 gallon with 11 crabs. 75% of them are small, so its not crowded. two hamsters, all of there cages are more than 365 square inches, two tortoiuses currently in there 55 gallon winter enclousour, in the summer they live outside. I still have the two dogs, two cats, and two fish tanks. Thats all guys, BYE MERRY CHRISTMAS! PS i wouldve posted this on pictures w/ pics of my animals just, idk how to do it from phone and camera to computer.... no need for a tutorial :P
Just the basic 10 gallon set up with 2 crabs, plus a 55 gallon at my dad's.

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by hermieluv1 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:52 am

Wow! That's a lot of pets!

I have had a few family dogs and cats over the years. On my own (now 52), I owned and showed an Appaloosa stallion (gone now), numerous cats, of which are remaining only one 14 year old black female who just threw multiple blood clots, a new 6 week old kitten, and now several hermies!

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by hermitcrab24 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:56 am

Not nearly as many as Salt&Peppy.
I currently have 5 cats, a dog, and 4 hermies :)

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Crabinski » Tue Dec 16, 2014 12:50 pm

Down to one "senior" dog, 5 female mice and 5 hermit crabs but, over the years, have had a total of 6 cats, 3 dogs, 1 parakeet, 2 red-ear slider turtles, 1 chameleon, 1 guinea pig, 1 rabbit, 14 mice and 10 crabs. Thinking it's time for another cat, though :wink: .
PPs are Big Enzo, Charles Paris and Mr Pinch
On the Big Beach in the Sky: Murray, Gino, Oscar, Gordon, Ignatz, Harry and King Felix the Pale
Also Mom to Imogene the Syrian Hamster

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by CallaLily » Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:38 pm

At the moment we have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 4 mice, 2 crested geckos, 1 leopard gecko, 1 corn snake, the hermit crabs, 1 Betta, and a bunch of goldfish in the pond. Maybe I should count the mealworms too?

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by megmaholm » Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:01 pm

I grew up with dogs/cats/random small critters. Currently, I have an off the track Greyhound, 3 cats, 2 rats, 3 bettas, 1 guinea pig, and 2 horses. And, of course, the crabs ;) The only thing holding me back from expanding my 'zoo' is the constant threat of divorce from my hubby. LOL.
Crabbing since July 2014! 75 gallon with 12 Purple Pinchers.

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by sugarselections » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:02 pm

1 old, curmudeonly dog
1 young, obnoxious dog
1 old, grumpy cat
1 young, pesky cat
1 lovable but jerky 9 y/o sugar glider
1 sweet but aloof 8 y/o sugar glider
5 betta fish
all the hermit crabs

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Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by kadynadair16 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:23 pm

I used to have 27 chickens 1 dog and 11 cats at one time. And now I have 1 cats and 3 hermit crabs

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by aussieJJDude » Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:46 pm

Of course I have my hermies but I also share my house with:
1 Cat
1 Dog
Loads of Fish:
- angelfish
- tetras (like bueno aires, colombia & emperors)
- Bristlenose catfish
- guppy/endler hybrids
- Kuhli loaches
- Clown loach (not my idea.... :( )
And one very understanding family. :D
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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Drakezilla » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:51 pm

I have had;
• Dogs - Bischons, Yorkies, A standard poodle, golden, German Shepard, and a mix

• Cats; adoptions mostly, but I had chinchilla Persians when I was little.

• birds; Cockatiels, Love birds, finches and an African Grey.

• Mice

• Rabbits; Angoras and a Netherland dwarf.

• Horses: 2 Arabians

• Mallard ducklings

• hamsters

• hermies!

• an orphaned squirrel

• butterflies

• Sea Monkeys


• betas, goldfish, seahorses, guppies

• an iguana

• turtles

• Anoles

• a HUGE saltwater aquarium


- 3 cats
- 2 dogs ( cotons )
- 2 PPs
- 1 Saddlebred
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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by soilentgringa » Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:49 pm

Past: Several dogs and cats, garden spiders caught in the yard, fish, bearded dragon, ferret Present: 10 PP

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Snickers » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:00 pm

At the moment, I haveone, Seven month old German Shepherd dog, a 5 Year old Ragdoll X cat and aprox.18 Hermies, taken in between the years 2011-2013.
Although, over my whole life, I've had... a good 25 hermies, multi goldfish and bettas, 4-5 cats and 3-5 dogs.
Crabby mom since '11
Snickers, Cleodora, Areo, Caramilk, Turbo, Turbulence, Eyowen, Smarties, Thor, Loki, Odin, Bilbo, Biggie, Alvin, Tiger, Juliette, Rascal and Bermuda!

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Rampage » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:42 pm

The only real pet I've had is the turtle. Everything else was sort of a family based pet. My late brother oversaw all the rodents we had growing up (rats, mouse, hamster, gerbil) and I stuck to my turtle. My folks took care of the 3 cats, and I just focused on my turtle.

Now I am responsible for the same turtle, two little hermit crabs and my newest addition, Gobul the pac man frog.
Proud owner of a two little Carribbean Hermit Crabs named Pagurus and Gretchen and my oldest companion Boxy the Box Turtle.

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by hermitcrab101 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:38 pm

I currently own:
1 leopard gecko
1 corn snake
1 dog
2 eastern box turtles
3 betta fish
8 hermit crabs (7 pp, 1 indo)

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Re: Post About All The Pets You've had!

Post by Rose7314 » Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:50 pm

Your childhood sounds a lot like mine! My parents let us have lots of pets as well :)
I've had 3 dogs (a pitbull and two pekingneses), two leopard geckos, an African bullfrog, three tree frogs, 4 cats, two hamsters, a guinea pig, a chinchilla, Oscars, Bettas, brother has had a snake....I think that's it lol currently have a mean landlord and technically shouldn't even have any pets, but I have 5 hermit crabs, loaches, a betta, two goldfish, a big pleco, a platy, and a catfish. My guinea pig had two babies as well and we ended up giving them away. Same as one of my cats, she had kittens and we gave them away.
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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