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We rehomed Goldie to a home with a pond. :)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:16 am
by wodesorel
I miss him so much!

It was becoming painfully clear that either setting up our own pond for him or trying to fund a 125+ gallon tank for him was not in the stars right now. So, I talked with my friend who runs a pet store about it, and she has a close friend with a gorgeous backyard pond with a few fish, and Goldie went to his new home the day before my birthday. Sounds ironic, but it was the best gift I could have received - knowing that he's got gallons and gallons of space to roam around in, buddies to interact with, and he gets to swim around under the sun and in the open air.

He started out maybe two inches long. The only survivor of a dozen that were put in a 5 gallon stagnant bucket wishing well at the local shelter. When we went to collect a different aquarium from there, the former manager had also tossed a dozen tropical fish in the bucket rather than waiting for us, and they all died, too. He was a miracle fish! He also survived three friends that we tried to get for him. (Two from bacterial infections within a week of coming home, and then Gail who had severe facial injuries but was with us for a year and half before she passed.)

My only regret is that I didn't think to take photos before we sent him home. My friend was kind enough to snap some photos as he was being released and of him swimming around after. I feel so much better being able to see that he's okay. (And then she gave birth to her new baby the next day, because she's hardcore awesome like that. I don't have permission to share the photos yet and I'm not bugging her anytime soon. :) )

Fins and all he was almost as long as the standard scrub bucket was wide. Quite a lot of growth since November 2012! Yep, I had to scoop him up in his tank cleaning bucket he was so big.

Since I don't have a good recent photo, here's the first one I ever took when he first came home. (Little Adalynd is still with us and not going anywhere....... and is not much bigger than then, actually...)

Re: We rehomed Goldie to a home with a pond. :)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:02 am
by CallaLily
Awww. I know Goldie is probably very happy but I also know how hard it is when you have to make that choice. :grouphug:

Re: We rehomed Goldie to a home with a pond. :)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:18 pm
by fantasybookworm
It's never fun to have to rehome a pet, but I'm sure it's a wonderful feeling knowing he's in a fantastic home now! I'm so glad you guys took such good care of him & found him such a nice place to continue living in. :) A friend of mine has two goldfish that she rescued from a local fair (one of those stupid "win a goldfish" games :x ). She brought home four & these two are the survivors. They've at least tripled in size! I know she'll be faced with making this decision at some point as well. She has them in a 40-gal aquarium for now.

Re: We rehomed Goldie to a home with a pond. :)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:20 pm
by Makena95GT
Awh carp are some of my favorite fish, namely Koi.

Typically for the "fancy" variety of goldfish (the ones bred for deformities) require 30 gallons for one fish then add 10 gallons for each gdie after that.

Now the common feeder goldfish can get to be 18"-24" so even a 125 would have ended up being just barely enough space for him to turn as most will be about 20" in wwidth. So it was for the best for him to get to have some stretching room in a pond. Not to mention the filtration required to keep up with the bioload of carp. Huge poop machines. Lol

You did a good thing. Thanks for watching out for fish too. They need love just as much as anyone else.

Heres my 40 gallon reef tank when I first got it running

My brother and I also have four RES in a 180 gallon aquarium

My old nano reef

Old nano betta tank

Dirty betta tank i set up for my mom

My current female betta

Lol fish are my first love honestly. I own/manage 22 aquariums and two ponds :3