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The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:31 pm
by wodesorel
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:59 pm
by fantasybookworm
Oh man, he's so adorable!!! I can't blame you for being in love & for having been unable to say no. I really need to rescue a gecko or two someday. They're such cute little babies.
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:20 pm
by megmaholm
I love him! That first pic cracked me up. He looks like a teeny velociraptor.
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:33 pm
by CallaLily
Oh my goodness, he's cute! I love the first pic too. Congrats!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:56 pm
by soilentgringa
He is so stinkin cute!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:14 pm
by Asheka
He's adorable! I love the first picture the most heh I had a couple leopard geckos over my time so far. Lots of fun.
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:00 am
by aussieJJDude
If you haven't got a name I totally suggest the not so original; Stumpy!
I hope it (the tail) grow back on this little guy, I can totally see why you fell for him.
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:45 am
by kadynadair16
His eyes kinda freak me out, but they are so cool! He's adorable. You made a good choice on getting him
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Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:33 pm
by Jellybean!
So adorable! I had a fatty named Gabriella awhile ago!
Do fat tailed geckos regrow their tails? What are you naming him?
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:16 pm
by wodesorel
Leopard geckos actually kind of freak me out a bit - it's the see through eyelids. They look like naked baby birds. *shudder*
Stumpy was the original name for Goji.
It works all well and good until the missing parts regenerate!
No name yet. I wish it was a female so I could call it "Clever Girl"....
His tail is supposed to regrow, but it's been over a week and there's no sign of healing or regeneration yet. It's probably because of his overall body condition, but there is a very slim chance it won't grow back. All we can do is keep tossing in the food and get him to where he has enough extra energy to start regrowing it. It's not going to look like his original, but it'll serve it's purpose as fat storage.
Speaking of food, I keep doing research on the species and I think I'm rather lucky to not have a picky eater. Apparently Fat-Tailed are much more likely to get hooked than Leopards to one kind of food and will refuse everything else offered. So far he'll take crickets, mealworms, superworms, waxworms (at the rescue, I can't find any local!), and dubia nymphs. If it moves, he catches it. If it's calcium dusted and white, he doesn't hesitate at all. Which is good, because I have enough picky eaters in this house.
The guy at Pets Supplies Plus told me they never get in Fat Taileds. He used to work at Petsmart and same thing there. (Ran out of food, had to stop because my normal place is keeping shorter hours because of their new baby.) He said I was really lucky to have found it.
I haven't had a chance to ask at my normal pet shop to see if it's something they have. I know they get in a lot of different geckos, but I can't say I've seen Fat Taileds there either. He's a big city gecko!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:43 pm
by CallaLily
I could never get my Leo to eat superworms. The ones I find are HUGE though. Sounds like you'll have him back to full health in no time!
wodesorel wrote:Leopard geckos actually kind of freak me out a bit - it's the see through eyelids. They look like naked baby birds. *shudder*
Awww. I think my Lizard Ninja is cute.
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:51 pm
by Crabinski
wodesorel wrote:No name yet. I wish it was a female so I could call it "Clever Girl"....
Ah, yes, one of my favorite scenes from the original
Jurassic Park film (all geared up to see
Jurassic World next week). Your little guy is just adorable so, were I in your shoes, I would have plunked down my $$, too!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:16 pm
by rainbow_crab
I would say if it is underweight and possibly came from a neglected home that his tail regeneration will take some extra time,but it will happen, there are few species of geckos that the tail does not grow back, I think the crested gecko is one. Yours is very cute though wode. Don't over feed with the wax worms though, it's like junk food for us. It will help get the weight back but not in the healthiest way. I used a varied diet with my geckos, crickets and meal worms were staples, then super and wax worms were once a week treats. I know that you will take good care of it. Your the type of person who cares and will educate yourself to each animals needs. Good luck on your new baby very cute!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 5:48 am
by wodesorel
I haven't been able to update this lately!
He's doubled in weight (79 grams at last weigh in) and his tail has stopped growing. It took a few months before it was back to size, but it's seriously stumpy. (These photos are about a month old but it's not much bigger now.)
I named him Blaze.
After a Barbie horse....
Also did not realize just how thin and pale he was originally until I compared pictures!
He's also become the most picky eater I have. The only think he'll eat are medium crickets and they have to be white with calcium powder.
When he got here he would eat anything that moved!
Re: The newest member of the family - a Fat Tailed Gecko! :D
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 6:25 am
by CallaLily
He looks great!