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Should the HCA include a "Special Marine Hermie Forum?&

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:02 pm
This poll is to see if there is enough Support for Creating a New Forum for Marine Hermies.
And if there is, to how many folks woulod use it.
This would also support or Not Support a decission that Admin could use to determine the validation, to Have or Not Have a Seperate forum.

Thank You all for those who Participate.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:45 pm
by ripshaw
its a good idea, but im not sure how it would work to set it up on the same site for now though, since most of us know very little of marine hermit crab care. now eventually if we got a large enough knowledgeable group on here that could come up with some good care sheets I thik that would be a good idea. i'm not as worried about marine hermit care in captivity as I am about land hermit crabs though because, for the most part, if you are taking the time to set up and keep a saltwater tank (NOT easy) you are not treating whats inside as cheap throw-away pets. marine tanks are expensive to maintain.

i think oif you should try to get a team together and come up with a good basic care sheet, that would be awesome :D

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:38 pm
by EGcrabber
I think that it would be a good idea to teach people about both land and marine crabs, and starting a forum would be a great way to do this.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:03 pm
by Guest
Yes, even though I do not have any I would love to be able to learn more about them. I think several are fascinating critters and would at least make for interesting reading. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:20 pm
by JeffCrab
I too would love reading and learning about them.... and possibly set up my own tank in the future... But I am kind of worried we don't have enough people that knows marine hermits as well as we know land hermies...

But if we can do it, I am all for it. :D

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:23 pm
ripshaw wrote:
i think oif you should try to get a team together and come up with a good basic care sheet, that would be awesome :D
I think I wouldnt mind attempting this.
bob242 wrote: Yes, even though I do not have any I would love to be able to learn more about them. I think several are fascinating critters and would at least make for interesting reading.
Bob242, with that said, would ya mind helping in the research and Helping me (and any other member who shows an interest in researching)
And trying to come up with Care Sheets, Species(Maybe Pics of the Dif Species)And the overall section for a MHC Forum?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:34 pm
by mrbonzai211
Coming from experience, aquatic hermit crabs don't really have the same needs and concerns that are usually associated with land hermit crabs. Their role from a pet viewpoint is pretty much the same as a snail. They're basically just there for cleaning purposes. They just play the custodian role in a marine reef setup.

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:45 pm
by Guest
OIF_VET wrote: I think I wouldnt mind attempting this.
Bob242, with that said, would ya mind helping in the research and Helping me (and any other member who shows an interest in researching)
And trying to come up with Care Sheets, Species(Maybe Pics of the Dif Species)And the overall section for a MHC Forum?
I'd be happy to try. I have no first hand knowledge, but I like doing research. Plus, I'm really cheap with Wiki cut 'n paste "research" at $15.25 an hour! :hiding:

If you get this off the ground just let me know what you'd need and I call dibs on Dardanus pedunculatus!! Dibs! :P
mrbonzai211 wrote:They just play the custodian role in a marine reef setup.
Eatin' Abba-Zabba?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:48 pm
mrbonzai211 wrote:Coming from experience, aquatic hermit crabs don't really have the same needs and concerns that are usually associated with land hermit crabs. Their role from a pet viewpoint is pretty much the same as a snail. They're basically just there for cleaning purposes. They just play the custodian role in a marine reef setup.

I totally agree!!! Yet I am sure, there are some species with "Basic" Needs.
We could find out/Research which Species are Reef Safe and which can be communal. Which are Agressive or or not.
This can probably get as detailed as we need. And New Marine Hermie Owners may pose a Question that we will need to research.
Thanks :)

BTW, would You MrBonzai211, also like to be on this Team that I am trying to put together?

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:24 pm
by mrbonzai211
A team for aquatic crab information?

If I join, will the moderators give me one of those awesome banners over my name? If so, I'm in like sin!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:54 pm
by Guest
mrbonzai211 wrote:Coming from experience, aquatic hermit crabs don't really have the same needs and concerns that are usually associated with land hermit crabs. Their role from a pet viewpoint is pretty much the same as a snail. They're basically just there for cleaning purposes. They just play the custodian role in a marine reef setup.

I agree.

I think the care sheets should be more on the care of them in general, such as feeding, habits and tank perimeters and leave the other things such as tank setup for people to find out about on there own. This is because you would be essentially setting up a small marine invertebrate system with a very light bio load and factors that apply to the marine hobby in general would obviously apply to the care of marine hermits. So maybe in this "sub forum" there could be links to helpful aquarium forums/sites.

I recently bought a aquarium magazine ("Coral") and it's cover story was on marine hermits. Basically, it was saying how marine hermits are over looked in the marine hobby and are resigned to being only cleaners but, its main point was how hermit crabs are assumed to be healthy when they are out eating. However after about a month the crabs die and it is thought that they just have short life spans. However it said that marine hermit crabs that were fed other foods in addition to algae were not always out frantically searching for food but rather stayed hidden for most of the day and came out at night to look for food. The theory was that marine hermits that are always "on the move" are probably starving and will unexpectedly die if not fed additional foods but, hermits that are "shy" are probably healthier and will live longer. I found that interesting :|

If it is not to late, I would also be happy to help search for information regarding marine hermit crabs. I enjoy reading about the salt water hobby in general so I think I would enjoy finding out more about marine hermits. However I have never actually kept marine hermits so I may be a little usless ha ha :lol:

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:40 am
by Guest
i think this is an awesome idea. especially since HCA is just that- hermit crab association. it has never been specified as to land or marine. even if just something simple is put together to lead people in a good direction, that would be great. and as time goes on the info will grow and improve as it does here already.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:43 am
Silent Protagonist wrote:

If it is not to late, I would also be happy to help search for information regarding marine hermit crabs. I enjoy reading about the salt water hobby in general so I think I would enjoy finding out more about marine hermits. However I have never actually kept marine hermits so I may be a little usless ha ha :lol:
I would love to have ya on the Team Silent Protagonist.
Thank You for Volunteering.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:29 am
by brad873
wow, i would love to help. but there is one small problem, there are hundreds of types, all with differant needs, but with enough people could be done, but reely it needs its own forum, not just part of this one. maybee have a linke conectin the 2. but i would love to help

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:50 am
by Guest
I think it is a great idea. I know a lot about marine hermit crabs and I have been studying on the different species of them. I would be glad to help with anything and I think that a marine hermit crab section would be great.