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Water how deep for fiddlers?
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:48 pm
by Jellybean!
How deep does the water need to be in a fiddler crab tank? I have a whisper waterfall filter that works fine in the 10 gallon tank but now my moms bf is telling me the water needs to be deeper! So....I guess I will ask before I do any renovation, currently the water level is about 2-3 inches.. Thanks for any help!
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:54 pm
by Ryanstein
Don't listen to your mom's bf, 3 inches is fine :roll: My male fiddler lived for over 3 years (full lifespan of a fiddler) in that water level... no problem. They're shoreline brackish crabs. I've even had the opportunity to see one fiddler species in the wild (Uca Pugilator), and they come out at low tide dipping in and out of little pools left by the tide, then scuttle back to and plug their burrows at high tide.