So I got my 29g BioCube set up earlier in the week. I have about 30lbs of live rock, a few coral frags and a 'Pink-Tip' Sea Anemone, and two Blue Damsels. I have a really cool 'Sally Light Foot' crab, but he/she WILL NOT let me near him/her with a camera lens, so I'll have to get back to ya with pics of him/her (prob gonna call it Sally for obvious reasons, so we'll just go with 'her' lol) I will be adding more after my first Nitrate cycle, so I'll keep you all updated with any new additions.
Below are much requested/anticipated pics of two of my MHC! (I have 2 Scarlet MHC, 2 Blue Legged, and 6 reef crabs) for now-
Scarlet Marine Hermit Crab
Blue Legged Marine Hermit Crab (gorgeous!) sitting on top or Scarlet MHC & reef crab
you can see in this pic that there are actually 3 MHC, the little one on the bottom is a reef crab (just turned where I can't get a pic)
Tank pic with Damsels & Sea Anemone
and this one is for Wodesorel