After the big guy came up I decided to upgrade the tank as I felt the old 10gal was a little cramped for them, even though by all the notes I've read, a 10gal should be good for crabs our size. I didn't like how they didn't have a lot of room to really roam, I couldn't give them a lot to climb on AND have proper substrate depth, and their water pools were now too small for their new shell sizes.
So while Spongebob was down I went out and bought a 29gal Aqueon Standard Aquarium and a few new toys so I'd be ready to build out their new Crabitat as soon as he popped up and before they went back down again :roll:
The aquarium is 18" tall, so now I can give them 6" of substrate and still have enough headroom to build out climbing structures.
I almost went with a bigger tank but these guys are still fairly small and I'm sure I've already gone over-kill for just 2 little crabbies.
With the bigger tank they now have two 7" deep by 3"x6" water pools to play in (with bubblers), a shell-shelf, 2 coconut hanging hides, a treadmill, a moss shelf and lots of rope-bridges to climb around in.
I was pretty happy to see them climbing around right after we put them back into the tank. In the past they would always hide in a corner under the moss or bury themselves for a few days whenever we refreshed their aquarium. This time they stayed out and just started climbing on everything.
Here are some before and after pics. Feel free to comment or give any advice on how to make their home even better!
Original 10gal setup:
Original 10gal setup with better substrate and shells:
New 29gal setup:
New 29gal at night: