Hermit Crabs in their natural environment

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Hermit Crabs in their natural environment

Post by framptonbmx » Sat May 15, 2010 4:39 pm

Hey all,

My fiance and I just got back from a week long vacation in Antigua. While I was there, I was on the constant lookout for Purple Pinchers in the hopes of getting to observe them in their natural habitat. Here are some pics of the tiny crabs I saw and the habitat where I found them:







I also saw some big old crabs on another island, but I had to take a boat and then swim to that island, so unfortunately I didn't have a camera. The old crabs were all in Magpie shells which were battered and broken. I felt really bad for them because there was no availability of good shells. I really wish I had brought some nice turbos to give them.
Crabbing since 2004,

7 PP's: Rufus, Cornelius, Belle & Sebastian, Socrates Johnson, Bob Genghis Khan, & Bill S. Preston Esquire
4 E's: Snoop Crabby Crab II, Eazy-E II, Ghost Face Killah, & Nicodemus
4 Violas: Musashi Miyamoto, Makoto Nagano, Akira, & Shredder

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Post by curious_kitty » Sat May 15, 2010 6:52 pm

That's amazing! I just got back from PetCo to get some cat litter and food, and barely got out of there without geting poor PPs in the cage that always reads'dessert', 30% humidity. looking at your photos you brought back from beautiful lsland vacation..... i feel bad for those critters..... I've heard that a lot of hermit crabs in the wild do not have enough empty seashells due to human harvesting them to sell for profit, and a lot of them will have to resort to shell fighting...
Godmother to two tuxedo cats, PPs and Es, violas, indos, strawberries and ruggies, Wifey to one VERY patient hubby
200g crabitank under construction started on 4/10/2010
