*Older & Newer Pics*

This is a forum dedicated to Hermit Crab Association members posting pictures of their crabs and crabitats.
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Re: *Older & Newer Pics*

Post by marandashermies » Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:48 pm

hprmom wrote:
marandashermies wrote: First I purchased a 36in LED light strip that I totally LOVE! the color is so much brighter than the aquarium light strip it came with. It has a built in timer for day/night cycles, so now I don't have to worry about getting home to turn the lights off in this tank at least.
Hey @marandashermies, what brand/model of day/night LED lights with timer did you get? I'm looking around now and it's hard to find clear information on each model. I'm being seduced by the ones that have "sunrise/sunset" modes! I'm a little worried that a full 36" fixture will be too intense for the 65g, but you got a 36" and your pics look good.

It is the Marineland advanced light strip. Make sure you get the advanced one, otherwise it wont have a timer!
{125g~56g~55g} {30 PPs~ 10 Straws~ 5 Ruggies~ 2 E's~ 4 Viola's~ 2 Cavipes~ 2 Indo's}
2 Handsome Kitties {Rolan & Luka}
http://s628.photobucket.com/user/marand ... t=3&page=1

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