Rearranged the tat and UVB added

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Rearranged the tat and UVB added

Post by MuseCrazy » Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:52 pm

Was finally able to take down the 20 gal long that housed my 5 office crab adoptees (Cleopatra, Spider woman, Jewel, Boo Radley, and Pea). Pea unfortunately didn't make it through her molt. I don't know what happened, she was white and not moving for several (at least 4) weeks and just a micro crab. I left some honey and cuttlebone covered and left her on her side to see if she'd move and nothing. I guess she never hardened. So I took apart the tank and added 3in of sand and the decor from that tank to the 150 gal. I only got 13 out of my 21 crabs up so I have 8 under ground. I topped off the sub gently with a garden shovel so hopefully I didn't disturb any of their caves. Here they are while I was remodeling ImageImageImage
Got to sex some of them and get identifying photos too!
Floyd who I adopted Tuesday

Boo Radley his twin for now. Both are Male.
Chip has grown a lot since I adopted him 6 months ago
Now for the tank Image
2 miss pits on left side ImageImage
Image beach side with UVB light and coral castle ImageImageImage

This straw who I've named Redd was stationary for 2 days and is now doing laps around the tank. Maybe it's the UVB? Image

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Re: Rearranged the tat and UVB added

Post by hermieluv1 » Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:52 am

Beautiful tank! Where did you get your plants? They look so real!
