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Tank Ideas?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:02 pm
by IMS08
Hello All!

I have a few pictures of my tank and would love ideas on fresh and saltwater pools.


Sorry if it's blurry but these are my saltwater and freshwater pools. They are about 4 inches and I have a bubbler in the freshwater dish. There is coconut wall for them to get in and out but I was wondering about that plastic with the holes in it that I see everyone use?


This is my sisters hermit crab climbing on the synthetic vine I got. They love it!


My moss pit connected to my second level type thing.


Second level with shell shop underneath, not sure if anyone can see that.


Tank overall. I would love feedback and recommendations on things to do with my pools. I have a 29 gallon and am a little limited on space for the pools to be overly extensive but anything you guys have used I would love to experiment with.

Thank you!

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Re: Tank Ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:07 am
by aussieJJDude
What are you using so your crabs can get in and out of the pools easily? It looks like coconut fiber. If so, watch it closely; it could mould so have a backup just in case it does turn feral.
But I really like you tank, IMO could use a bit more climbing objects to use some of that free space near the top - or add some more substrate/do a bit of both - but I really like it. Gives off a nice jungly feel.

Re: Tank Ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:52 am
The plastic with holes is plastic canvas or needlepoint canvas. You can also use aquarium plants that suction or weigh to the bottom. A plastic ladder wrapped with plastic thread would be great, or a non-painted ruler with rocks siliconed to it.
I love the look of your pools! Reminds me of a cavern lake.
I agree with aussie that you could use more climbing stuff. You have a bunch of space, fill it up and watch more crab shenanigans!

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Tank Ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:11 pm
by Crabinski
The second level with attached moss pit is very interesting: how did you make it? Is it one of those little kitchen shelves with legs from Walmart? What did you use for the moss pit? I, too, have a 29g and am thinking of ways to redo the shell shop/suspended moss pit corner.

Tank Ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:15 pm
by IMS08
Thank you all for the feedback! The second level is a shelf from Walmart, it is metal with a coat of plastic on it, kind of like a locker shelf. My moss pit is connected on one side to the second level and on the other it is connected to a jungle vine. My actual pit is a raspberry container that I cut the top off of. Works well. I will definitely look into needlepoint canvas. I do have a foot of coconut fiber for my large hermit crabs so hopefully that is suitable for them.

Does anyone have any experience with cholla wood? I had one at one point and my crabs loved it! Not sure if it is okay for them. But recommendations are WELCOME! Thank you so much!

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Re: Tank Ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:13 pm
by aussieJJDude
Cholla wood? You mean the best climbing stick possible for crabs that come with cute little holes? :) Yep, totally safe and all hermies love em'!