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New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:03 am
by Zombiepancake
So I am new to this forum but I've had hermit crabs my whole life. I'm glad I found and finally joined this community! :)
I thought I would share my crabitate with you so here it is!





Questions and comments are very welcomed :)

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:57 am
by soilentgringa
Hi! Welcome to HCA! Your setup looks great; there are just a few questions I had. How deep is your sub at the low point? You may want to even it out or bump that side up to provide them with optimal digging space for molting. What is your sub consistency? I see you have a lot of Eco Earth, which is okay as long as it is moist enough, although many crabbers prefer a mix of playsand and EE. I didn't see a hygrometer or thermometer but I could just need new glasses. Temps are best at around 80°F and humidity around 80%. How many crabs do you have and how many shells per crab? What size is your tank? It looks like you have PP; that's what we have too! I've noticed they are super active around 85°/80%.
Second levels are a great way to provide them with more climbing space and open the floor space up for walking and digging. Pools deep enough for them to submerge completely are best, you can use plastic mesh or artificial plants to give them a way out so they won't drown.
Again, welcome, your crabs look great!

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:28 am
by Zombiepancake
soilentgringa wrote:Hi! Welcome to HCA! Your setup looks great; there are just a few questions I had. How deep is your sub at the low point? You may want to even it out or bump that side up to provide them with optimal digging space for molting. What is your sub consistency? I see you have a lot of Eco Earth, which is okay as long as it is moist enough, although many crabbers prefer a mix of playsand and EE. I didn't see a hygrometer or thermometer but I could just need new glasses. Temps are best at around 80°F and humidity around 80%. How many crabs do you have and how many shells per crab? What size is your tank? It looks like you have PP; that's what we have too! I've noticed they are super active around 85°/80%.
Second levels are a great way to provide them with more climbing space and open the floor space up for walking and digging. Pools deep enough for them to submerge completely are best, you can use plastic mesh or artificial plants to give them a way out so they won't drown.
Again, welcome, your crabs look great!
Thank you for your comments!

1. What size is your tank?
150 litres.

2. How deep is your sub at the low point? What is your sub consistency?
I've noticed that my crabs never ever bury in sand. So a couple of times ago when I redid the setup, I focused on the eco-earth sub. The sub is 25cm at the deepest point and 17cm at the most shallow. And since this picture was taken I have filled it up with some more sub and evened it out. I have had this type of setup (with the eco-sub) for about two years now with many successful moltings, so it seems that I have gotten the moisture levels right :)

4. Thermometer? Hygrometer?
I have a thermometer and the temperature is usually between 24 and 25 degrees Celsius. I borrow a hygrometer from time to time to check on the humidity, but I do not own one yet.

5. How many crabs do you have and how many shells per crab?
I have three violas (Coenobita violascens) and a slightly large surplus of shells of different types and sizes (about 40 different ones). I usually keep about 8 shells in the setup.

6. Pools deep enough for them to submerge completely are best, you can use plastic mesh or artificial plants to give them a way out so they won't drown.
The salt water pool is deep enough for them to submerge and they can still easily climb over the edges. I have a flintstone to climb on just in case and the pool also has some stairs on one side.
The sweet water pool is not as deep but the water level still easily reaches into their shell openings.

7. Second level.
I have thought about the second level and the setup is still in progress (as always :P ) so we will see what I can come up with!

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:16 am
by CallaLily
My phone seems to be having trouble loading your pics but I wanted to say welcome! :hello2: Be sure to check out our Caresheet, if you haven't already.

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:28 am
by Zombiepancake
CallaLily wrote:My phone seems to be having trouble loading your pics but I wanted to say welcome! :hello2: Be sure to check out our Caresheet, if you haven't already.
Thank you! :)

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:37 am
by soilentgringa
Violas are so pretty! I <3 them. On my phone they look like PP but on my laptop they quite obviously have orange feelers. There are crabbers on this forum who have used strictly EE for years with no issues so it can be a personal preference! Cheers!

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:44 am
by CallaLily
I jumped on my laptop to get a look. It's very pretty! I love the little plants (live?). I agree on bumping up the lower side of sub some - I had a very bad experience with sloping substrate so it always makes me nervous now. You'd think they'd stick to digging on the deeper end but that's not always the case, and then it also cuts out some perfectly usable molting space in your tank. Violas are such beautiful crabs! I'm a little bit jealous. :D

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:45 am
by Zombiepancake
soilentgringa wrote:Violas are so pretty! I <3 them. On my phone they look like PP but on my laptop they quite obviously have orange feelers. There are crabbers on this forum who have used strictly EE for years with no issues so it can be a personal preference! Cheers!
Indeed they are pretty :D Well it seems to be my crabs personal reference anyway! :lol:

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:56 am
by Zombiepancake
CallaLily wrote:I jumped on my laptop to get a look. It's very pretty! I love the little plants (live?). I agree on bumping up the lower side of sub some - I had a very bad experience with sloping substrate so it always makes me nervous now. You'd think they'd stick to digging on the deeper end but that's not always the case, and then it also cuts out some perfectly usable molting space in your tank. Violas are such beautiful crabs! I'm a little bit jealous. :D
The little plants are Chlorophytum comosum that I grow myself. They grow SO fast I have to weed them out from time to time.

The pictures was taken just after I had done the setup so I do understand what both you and soilentgringa are worried about. It is still sloping though, but not as much anymore. Also the ground is higher at the back of the tank (under the bark). I will keep an eye on it!

Thank you :)

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:07 pm
by mariilene
Your tank is very pretty! I love how earthy it is! The EE isn't something I would do, but it's clearly working for you and I love how fluffy and cozy it looks!

Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:19 am
by Zombiepancake
So I have been thinking about doing something more with the setup for quite some time now, but sometimes for some reason it's so hard to get going! Anyway, so because of you I finally got around to do some changes. It is not very pretty with the white plastic tough, but it will make do for the moment :)

Thank you for all the responses :)



Re: New here, my crabitate :)

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 5:13 pm
by DaTrininator
Nice crabitat, while the page was loading I was afraid you may be one of the people who keep there crabs in terrible conditions, but your tank is beautiful I'm sure your crabs will love
it! :banana: :crabbigsmile: