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Our first adoptee's first successful molt

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:08 pm
by Lutterback
My kids and I were so excited when we got home tonight. It only took 2 months but "Dozer" is finally up from his first molt with us. I was beginning to wonder if our first crab in good conditions had made it. He was the crab we had gotten at a pet store that had not sold one in 3 months. He was on bark chips with only 2 wet sponges. He was in a painted shell but picked this one within hours of getting home. It is so so dark burgundy. Before he was really red. ImageImageImage

4 more smaller crabs under there somewhere we got from Reptile City have been down for a month and a half.

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Re: Our first adoptee's first successful molt

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:10 pm
by Lutterback
Please pardon my daughter in the background. She was not happy with Daddy changing her.

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Re: Our first adoptee's first successful molt

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:48 pm
by Lutterback
Well Dozer must have been hungry after the molt. Last night, she ate (or at least spread in the sand) about a Tbsp of worm castings and some pretty big bites of the apple core I gave her. Tonight she is banging around the tank so loud, you would think she was going to crack the glass.

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Re: Our first adoptee's first successful molt

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:04 pm
by Nia
Aww Congrats!!! Lol I still get excited with every molt. First one is always the most stressful and biggest sigh after lol. So happy for you. Such a pretty crabby. :cheer: