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Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:41 pm
by Goofball2k16
Hi Everyone,

I recently acquired 4 PP's from a lady who didn't want them. She included a 20 gallon long with them. I attached a pic of one of the crab's shells - it's so stupid, I hope they all change soon - 2 have already. I'm letting them settle before I take too many pictures; they're pretty cautious right now.

I am almost finished with the new crabitat and will share pics very soon. It actually turned out pretty cool.

I haven't had crabs for nearly 10 years, I used to be an active member on here when I was in elementary and middle school. Now I'm all grown up in my own home and found myself with crabs again after not having any pets for a looongg time.

Anyways, hope to get to know you guys! I'm sure I'll be a really active community member.


Re: Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:47 pm
by biancaalexis
Goofball2k16 wrote:Hi Everyone,

I recently acquired 4 PP's from a lady who didn't want them. She included a 20 gallon long with them. I attached a pic of one of the crab's shells - it's so stupid, I hope they all change soon - 2 have already. I'm letting them settle before I take too many pictures; they're pretty cautious right now.

I am almost finished with the new crabitat and will share pics very soon. It actually turned out pretty cool.

I haven't had crabs for nearly 10 years, I used to be an active member on here when I was in elementary and middle school. Now I'm all grown up in my own home and found myself with crabs again after not having any pets for a looongg time.

Anyways, hope to get to know you guys! I'm sure I'll be a really active community member.

I swear painted shells will be the death of me! I do however love your water bowl statue- is it a waterfall or bubbler? Or just decoration?

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Re: Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:41 pm
by landlubber
Congrats on the adoption! I too had taken a 10 year break from hermit crabs (I got divorced and after that moved around a lot). Welcome back! Looking forward to getting to know you and your crabs! :)

Re: Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 12:14 pm
by Goofball2k16
Thanks guys!

It's actually just a decoration. When I upgrade to a larger tank I want to create some sort of filtered pool though - seen lots of cool pools on here :)

I'm actually not even sure what that shell is supposed to be... I think it's a bumblebee on a tree or leaf though. haha!

Thanks landlubber!, funny how crabbers will remain crabbers!

Re: Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:10 am
by wodesorel
It's a ladybug on a leaf.

Yeah... have seen so many badly painted shells I can usually ID at a distance. :hlol:

Congrats on finding your way back to crabbing! I love that you chose to adopt for your firsts. :cheer:

Re: Ugly Painted Shells & Intro~

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:10 pm
by pixellator
Welcome Goofball2k16. How cool that you chose hermies after not having pets for a long time. Good luck on the shell changes. -Jessica