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60g(ish) upgrade setting up

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:51 am
by kornchaser
From the couch view
Finally found a good upgrade that'll hold all my crabs. Substrate is low (3 EE bricks and my 20g tall substrate) until my crabs surface on the 37g so I can transfer the sub over. Everyone's cramped in the 37g until I can warm up the new tank - literally just need packaging tape. Ran into a dilemma with expanding the EE and accidentally got them stuck in the bucket unable to get them out for an hour....
Tank was a bit dirty so I cleaned it up, support bar broken no biggy. Came with a stand, ballast and working bulb, front piece of a broken glass marine land lid. The lid had the front piece with the handle so I just went and got a piece of plexiglass cut to cover the rest and duct taped the two together. All together it was under $100 (celebration woo). Their seashells should arrive by the time I figure out where I want to put them (perfectionist here) and arrangement wise... It's never finished but livable by morning.

Twelve PP hermit babies Image

Re: 60g(ish) upgrade setting up

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:37 pm
by landlubber
Congrats on the upgrade! You need to get some more pics while the crabs are exploring it!

Re: 60g(ish) upgrade setting up

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:03 pm
by kornchaser
Sorry for the late post! Spring cleaning fever is strong in this house rn. So I got 7 crabs moved over to the new tank, waiting on only 5 now in the 37g.
Everything has been put in the new tank because it all can fit (yuuussss!!) Besides the low (8-10 in) sub level (the rest is in the 37g with my molters), adding in a new pineapple top, some more branches/ladders filling in the open area it's pretty much done. The temp and humidity is almost perfect at sub level (94%/75°) but in the top right corner where it's connected to a corner caddy moss pit next to a heater it's around 64%/91° and YET Baby, Kaylee and their other mates all still gravitate toward that one moss pit. Baby actually is inseparable from it except for food n water. Pictures of the tank and Freckles (who I have had for a year and hasn't grown bigger than a teeny) below.ImageImageImageImage

Twelve PP hermit babies Image

Re: 60g(ish) upgrade setting up

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:35 pm
by crabby_D
Amazing set up! Love it! Think how excited your molters will be when they surface. :)
Hurry "up" lil guys!! :hlol:

Re: 60g(ish) upgrade setting up

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:58 pm
by landlubber
Looks awesome! Nice job. I like how the second levels are graduated like that-very creative.