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Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:41 pm
by theornerycheese
Soooooo after a very long wait, I got my hands on some baby strawberries after a surprise call from Critter Jungle saying they finally got some in stock (bought 4 Ruggies from them back in September). Here are some crappy pictures of them. It didn't help that they're still on high alert and can see me coming a mile away, despite trying my best to be stealthy >:c






Just the three of them for now. I picked the healthiest looking of the bunch, as a lot of them were missing tips of their legs and such. Every strawberry I examined had cloudy eyes so it's good I got mine the day they were dropped off at Critter Jungle. The sand they use in their setup is very dry, no good for tunneling at all >:c. So I hope these guys survive their first molt with me. They've been super active and stuffing their faces with persimmon and climbing over everything, even using the big pool no one else would use. Along with my strawberries, a beautiful green-grey aggressive medium Ruggie caught my attention. I saw him grabbing a strawberry by the back of its shell and yanking him sideways. All of my Ruggies are tiny/small, so I definitely wanted this guy. He switched into a new shell after I brought him home and I haven't seen him be aggressive to anyone yet so I hope the new shell fixes his attitude. Didn't manage to get any pictures of him because he's never out when I go check.

I wish I could've brought them all home, but the 4 crabs cost me 81$ ;w;

And here's a bonus picture of one of my smaller Ruggies, Meebo. He's a very manly shade of pink/orange.


Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:48 pm
Very nice looking additions to your family. Meebo is a cutie as well. Congrats.

Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:05 pm
by Candie
Soo cute! I love the first picture where the strawberry is peeking out from inside the log

Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:02 pm
by charbeenie
Congrats! They are too cute!

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Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:46 am
by wodesorel
Straw have iridescent eyes which make them looks cloudy.

Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:45 pm
by Crabinski
Candie wrote:Soo cute! I love the first picture where the strawberry is peeking out from inside the log
Yes! That's my favorite pic, too!

Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:27 pm
by theornerycheese
wodesorel wrote:Straw have iridescent eyes which make them looks cloudy.
Oh, good to know. It seemed a bit odd that every single one of them had the same glazed look. xD

Re: Bought my first strawberries

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:29 pm
by theornerycheese
Crabinski wrote:
Candie wrote:Soo cute! I love the first picture where the strawberry is peeking out from inside the log
Yes! That's my favorite pic, too!
That seems to be its favourite spot as that's normally where I see it during the day. The other two seem to prefer heights. c: