by SHERRYCOOPER5 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:16 am
Will the real Angelina please stand up! I thought this was Angelina but I thought she looked a little too big to be her, and I thought that maybe she was really Echo, who has been down for a molt since the end of June. Well guess who appeared yesterday evening?? Angelina in a little white turbo that used to be Echo's before she went down for her molt. OMG This is too funny : ) Well anyway, I am happy that 3 out of my 4 PP's have gone down and come up from molts looking wonderfully healthy- whoever they are! Now we are just waiting on Brad : )
Sherry proud earth mother of:
Tollie-4 yr old Russian Tortoise
Finley-5 yr old Choco Lab
Beau-Male Beta
Betta-Female Beta-not in same tank as Beau
Echo, Mini, Brad (RIP) and Angelina, Pcush-small/ medium PP's