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Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:53 am
by turtlegirl95
Here what I have for my soon to be babies. I just about have everything and some of the things pictured will not be used as I am aware they are not the best and my babies will only get the best.
I hope that worked Ive never posted pictures before.

Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:56 am
by LadyJinglyJones

I like the CoCo hut roof. Tre cute! Bummer you ended up with the calcium sand - I hate how much crab targeted stuff is useless. Very vexing. :evil:

Pictures totally worked. :)

Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:34 am
by turtlegirl95
The sand was a part of a hermit crab set and I am not planning on using it. The hut was actually in the hamster department and is made of stuff safe for hermits. The hermit crab set did come with a nice shell and bowl and a few things I can use as last resort if I every run out of something and do not have time to get to the store which is why I kept it. Thanks for replying, I am pretty happy with how it looks but we will see how I feel about it once I get them in it. If I learned one thing from owning a turtle its that you may love the way something is but it has to function well the way in order to be great. Finding the balance between function and look always seemed to be the challenge then and i'm expecting will be again, but that is part of the fun.

Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:38 pm
by LadyJinglyJones
Totally (re: function vs. looks) - it took me quite a while to get everything arranged so I could easily lift out pools for cleaning, reach areas where the crabs liked to stash rotting food, and be able to spritz the top layer of sub when it needs it.

Speaking of water dishes, do you know about the trick of putting two Tupperware type containers nested together with a thin layer of stones or shells (or whatever) in the bottom most container, for ease of removal of the top one in which you keep the water?

The benefit of this system is that if any crabs are buried under the dishes you don't have to worry too much about disturbing them when changing the water, and if you like to have the lip of your pool at sub-level you can easily remove it for cleaning. I really like this system.

Thanks for the tip about the hamster section!! :crabbigsmile:

Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:23 am
by turtlegirl95
So much has happened since I got my babies. I've had them almost a month! Sebastian is pretty shy and only comes out at night, he did give me the pleasure of watching him change shells a week after I got him. Poseidon is my little adventure he isn't shy at all, he changed shells the first night to match Sebastian. Augustine buried the first night and I haven't seen him since(kind of worried).ImageImageImage

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Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:44 am
by turtlegirl95
turtlegirl95 wrote:So much has happened since I got my babies. I've had them almost a month! Sebastian is pretty shy and only comes out at night, he did give me the pleasure of watching him change shells a week after I got him. Poseidon us my little adventure he isn't shy at all, he changed shells the first night to match Sebastian. Augustine buried the first night and I haven't seen him since(kind of worried).ImageImageImage

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This is Augustine, Poseidon was pictured twice up above before he changed shells and after when he was hanging out in my pocket, I just noticed how much brighter he is now. Also here is a pic of the tat set up, I've rearranged a few times but I've managed to leave it for a couple weeks so I think I like it but I need to fix the plant.

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Re: Soon to be owner gathering everything for tat!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:57 am
by chobbychobby
It looks great! And your guys are so cute! Just be careful that the heat lamp doesn't dry out the substrate :)

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