by SHERRYCOOPER5 » Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:22 am
Angelina is my smallest one and she was the size of a quarter when I rescued her from a tourist store this summer. She was in a white pointy turbo type shell and she found a new very pretty white carved turbo and went down for her first molt within the few weeks. She came up, hung out for a few weeks and went down again for almost 4 weeks this time. Now she is up again and has chosen an old small green turbo that Echo has grown out of. I am so happy to see her thriving in her own crabitat. The other crabs, Mini and Echo are so much bigger than her and she is still very shy, but she is getting along just fine : )
Sherry proud earth mother of:
Tollie-4 yr old Russian Tortoise
Finley-5 yr old Choco Lab
Beau-Male Beta
Betta-Female Beta-not in same tank as Beau
Echo, Mini, Brad (RIP) and Angelina, Pcush-small/ medium PP's