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Defect Collection

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:20 am
by Mokulele_Hawai'i
Crooked & twisted legs ( C.purpureus )

Newly re-generated B P ( C.purpureus )
Tiny left pincer

Same-sized pincers ( left & right pincers are in identical size - C.purpureus )

Same-sized pincers ( left & right pincers are in identical size but different color - beautiful ! - C.violascens )

Weird newly-grown dactylus ( leg's last segment )

Re: Defect Collection

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:32 am
by wodesorel
I think all of the leg deformities can be explained by molting difficulties - either getting stuck in the exoskeleton or the crabs moving while still soft. I've seen a few of those in my tanks, and they always disappear after the next molt. :)

The claw deformities though are very interesting! Are these crabs keeping the odd sized pinchers when molting? I can't help but wonder if some of them are replacement claws that weren't able to grow in full-sized in one molt. I know that fiddler crabs can sometimes have mutations where they end up with two large claws, so I'm sure that a few hermit crabs can end up with two small ones!

Re: Defect Collection

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:29 pm
by Pepe4Life
That's a messed up bunch, ha. A few molts should do the trick, possibly.

Is it possible for a hermit crab to be permanetely deformed?

Re: Defect Collection

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:40 pm
by fate4003
Poor things. Very interesting, but also a little sad for me.

Re: Defect Collection

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:33 pm
by CrabAddict99
Wow cool pics! Atleast crabs can regenerate limbs and look good as new in just a few molts. Keep us posted on their progress.