And i thought i was doing good with my baby weight.
And i thought i was doing good with my baby weight.
Well had a doc appointment Monday and seen the obgyn instead of the midwife (seen her last month). I thought 3-4 pounds gained wasn't too bad, but he said ideally I would be better not gaining any until the last couple months since i'm quite a bit overweight. So he reminded me to watch what and how much i'm eating. But he did at least say that 3-4 pounds wasn't bad but it just wasn't real good either. I get to go do some lab work and they're going to do the 3 hour glucose check again since the first one I did was right on the borderline of being to high. This test is important but it really sucks to do it cuz you have to fast at least 6 hrs so they suggest not eating after midnight and going in first thing the next morning. You get this gross orange drink that you have to swallow all of it and then they take your sugar /glucose levels for the next 3 hours and you can't leave so your stuck in the uncomfortable chairs. I have another ultrasound scheduled for May 4th so maybe this time we can see if its going to be a girl or a boy. Last time it wouldn't show us. And no that's not the only reason another ultrasound was scheduled. The baby's growth and my fibroid will be checked as well, to make sure its not going to cause any problems.