Re: Favorite quotes/statements
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Re: Favorite quotes/statements
My fave is "Hermit crabs have feelers too!" No, I'm jk. Hmm, that's a toughy. I would say"What's worse... a lie that makes a smile or the truth that sheds a tear...?"
Topic author
Re: Favorite quotes/statements
here's some more that are my favs: "If I can't find some peace of mind,I'll take what I can get""Better be safe than sorry" "don't put off tomorrow what you can do today" (I believe that's how it goes) "Friends don't let friends listen to junk"(LOL,heard that one on a radio station!)
Topic author
Re: Favorite quotes/statements
Favourite? Sorry, I have two."Frank, love is a strong word. I tolerate you."Frank to Colin , 'The Adventures of Lano and Woodley'"I don't care what anyone says. We ARE the Two Men"Frank to the world, 'The Adventures of Lano and Woodley'
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Re: Favorite quotes/statements
"RIng the bells that still can ring!Forget your perfect offering,There is a crack in everything,That's how the light gets in." Leonard Cowen This quote appeals to me because I do accounting, and I can't can't can't stand it when things are screwed up, but that's the nature of things in this world. Things all go to chaos and entrophy, no matter how hard you try to line them up. Just ask my crabtank.