You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
You can start screaming, Poonda. My sister was saying just last night that a girl from her school wore them. I don't think they're super popular yet, but...
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
I was born in 1969 so I was a teenager of the 80's so I don't know that much about all the younger kid's stuff except for the little one's I babysat for but being a teenager was so much fun then.I'm glad it was not all death like I remember the 90's for my little brothers so depressing.bring back all of it thats what I say" heavy metal hair bands" "The bratt pack" all of it!
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
quote:61. You still sing "We are the World" Every now and then that song still gets in my head. I graduated in '89, the last 80s baby and I can't believe it was so long ago! I also like the "Do You Know It's Christmastime" song that comes out every December; I always listened to that song in years past just to hear Simon LeBon's one line. Duran Duran stayed with me for a long time.
~ crabbing since 2003
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
Oh, man. I was born in '72 and I remember all that. I also remember "What'sa happenin' hotstuff?" from 16 candles. The character who asks that is Long Duck Dong. That movie cracked me up! With the metal in my right leg, I might enjoy wearing leg warmers again in the winter. Yeah, right. My 17 year old son would kill me. Does anyone remember Poochie, the dog with the pin ears? Sigh.....I am soo old. ~~leaves singing,"Shot through the heart and your're to blame. You give love a bad name"~~
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
You know what I am 14 and i know all of that stuff. I think I was just raised wierd, huh?quote: I'm at this very moment wearing a Breakfast Club tee-shirt, I kid you not. That's awesome. I love that movie. I just got one this weekend and I am so going to wear it the first day of school. I also only have guitar music from the 80's. I can play the muppet show theme song. High tops are still in style for up junky teens. I am trying to decide on what ones to get for this year. Maybe I am just sad, born in '91 and still know all of that stuff.
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
No worries to all the younglings out there... My little ponys, cabbage patch kids, popples, glow worms ect are back! Ahh I wish I kept my popples and my little pony's I bet I could have got a fortune for them!!! Just hopefully New Kids On the Block are not so lucky and stay where they are... Don't forget the clothes... Soon we'll see all the cool girls with their bangs spiked and cool boys with the spike on the side of the head again... Slouch socks, scrunchies, snap bracellets, neon anything... Back to the future, ninga turtles and the karate kid, will have remakes made soon...
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
Hey Phar.. the TMNT remake is scheduled for release next year like march/april. Though it is like CGI/cartoonish and not live action like the original. But hey, they got a new Transformers movie coming out. GO TRANSFORMERS GO!
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
I love Popples!! My dad bought my mom one i think for an anniversary present once and i immediatly stole it. It was my most favorite toy! i would spend all day turning so it had legs and then it didn't!Of course, i get accused of being a 60's child because i have a lot of hippie clothing. Tie dye (which i dye myself), really big skirts, long, straight (although really fluffy so a cross between 80's and 60's) hair, peace signs. If i can i will get the pics up. My sis and I for the last week of school this past year made a giant hippie mural on my mom's chalkboard. It was so great, i think if you go to the schools website and refresh until it comes up you can see it. I loved snap braclets too, until my sis started using them as weapons.
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
OMG, You guys make me want to go get my ceder chest out and go throught it I was born in 1970 and remember all of that. I still have my cabbage patch, now my kids have them and Strawberry shortcake is my daughters favorite. Hehe, my daughter likes to wear some of my older clothes , if her friends only new. lol
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- Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:44 am
- Location: Midwest- middle of nowhere
You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If...
Isn't it great that we are "in" on this fad for our kids, sad though it may be.My daughter also has my Cabbage Patch (preemie). She loves Strawberry shortcake and plays with my super old barely used Barbies- now they have 70's style!My boys and their friends want to play Dungeons and Dragons now, and I think I am going to have to be the cool mom who gives up the dining room table for hours at a time and supply snacks to enable this. I don't mind, though. At least I will know what they are up to. Think I could look as good as the mom on ET?
I have had hermit crabs for a couple of years and still have most of my originals. I joined LHC over a year ago and have learned a lot about crab care there. I have about 50 crabs (PP, Straw and E) in my 130 gallon tank that is a feature point of my living room.
Mother of 4 humans, one canine, 3 felines and many aquarium dwellers.
Mother of 4 humans, one canine, 3 felines and many aquarium dwellers.