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Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:47 am
by NewCrabber
Anyone else have kids in school with this class schedule? What do you think of it?This is our first year and I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it, but so far it isn't good.Not to mention that because of this change, chorus, which would normally be in two groups, one for those who choose not to participate in concerts and one for those who do, is no longer optional. They've put both groups together and the students are required to participate in several concerts after school and on Saturdays which count toward their grade. This also means parents are expected to provide specific dress clothes and shoes. It's beyond me how the school board can require this of it's students. I wasn't liking the sound of this new system before and am liking it less now. I wonder what other surprises lie in wait.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:59 am
by KittyCaller
Required concerts? I don't think that's going to work very well. What about the kids with severe stage fright or panic problems? Maybe there aren't a lot of them, but making it required's just stupid.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:22 pm
by NewCrabber
My kids are in public school and the kind of clothing required for this class isn't every day attire. I don't know about anyone else's kids, but mine will outgrow these things before they ever have a reason to wear them outside of these concerts. They'll probably out grow them before the end of the school year!I agree, KC. I just got off the phone with the teacher because I wasn't sure if my son mistakenly signed up for this. The first thing she said is she thought there might be some problems with it. She, of course has to speak to the principle, but I have the feeling I am not going to be able to get my son out of this. Not only is it possible some of these kids may have severe stage fright, (not a good excuse according to them because part of the intention is to build confidence), but some parents work on Saturdays, work evenings or get off from work at a time when these concerts would be highly inconvenient and make it a struggle, some probably can't afford the required clothes, which would then come out of the teacher's pocket and in our case, we pay hard earned money for our boys to take Hapkido lessons which the concert schedule will interfere with.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:08 pm
by Guest
Here comes a long post from PockyHime...**Block Schedule** Let's see.. I started a block schedule in 10th grade.. so I've been doing a block schedule for 3 years now. If it's the same as I think you mean- my classes are each 90 minutes long, 4 classes a day, "A" and "B" days. Of course at our school it is "Red" and "White" days which just confuses me to no end because I don't care what the school colors are in the first place lol. Anyway, I think that this block schedule is nice in some ways- if there's a required class you hate, atleast it's only every other day. It gives you extra time to do your homework, you feel like there's more variety in your week instead of the "same thing every day". But there are also tons of cons. Along with getting more time for your homework, it can give people more reason to procrasitnate. Like me, if the class is on Friday and we have homework, that means it's not due until Tuesday so I'll do it Tuesday morning. So make sure your son doesn't get stuck in that trap like me. Also it causes a lot of confusion as to what classes are on what days (if you need to leave school for doctor appointments and so on). There's also that fuzzy feeling first thing every morning where you suddenly forget if it's an A or B day and freak out. There are tons of cons so in my opinion the block schedule is a bummer. Especially since the classes are 90 minutes and that can be bad if it's a class you dread.**Chorus** I took Choir in 9th grade. We had a lot of the same issues you're talking about. We had to do concerts a lot and we had to buy dress clothes for them with our own money. There was no option and no if's or but's about it. A lot of parents couldn't get off work to go to the concerts, and we couldn't drive, so that means the student couldn't go either which resulted in automatic failure. If you were sick with the Plague you still had to be there. If your entire family was spontaneously combusting you were expected to be there. Or you would fail. That really burnt my broccoli, but the worst part was the clothing issue. We were expected to supply our own clothes, and not just any clothes, they had to fit these certain unattainable standards. Or you fail. The clothes were only for the concerts, of course, but still it was rediculous. Girls HAD to have a nice, silky shirt that was long sleeved button-up and a nice, knee-or-longer length skirt and black dress shoes. Boys HAD to have black tuxedo pants and black dress shoes, a tie that didn't have cartoon characters and a long-sleeved neutral button-up shirt. I'd like to point out again that we were in *9th grade*. Most of us didn't have clothes like that. Most people couldn't afford clothes like that. And if the director thought anything was wrong with your clothes, you were told to go home and given an automatic failure. They did have like 3 pairs of shoes the boys could borrow. But my mom was in a frenzy because like you said, I would outgrow the clothes anyway, and that stuff is expensive, plus I am underweight so finding *nice* clothes that fit me is impossible. We eventually got some (UGLY) stuff from the children section at JC Penny. I wanted to puke. About the stage fright thing- I've been on stage since I could remember so I can't say I understand stage fright being a problem. I get stage fright, but I didn't think it was an actual issue. I'm sure there are people like that though. It never came up in my class. But they did say that if you passed out on stage you would fail because it was your fault or something bogus like that. Oh and when I say "fail" I mean the class as a whole. Sorry I think I was a bit long winded on this subject.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:31 pm
by KittyCaller
I will say that I was in Chorus and chorale in middle school, and did go to the concerts, which had a semi-required dress code. (black pants, white shirt, generally) but the concets weren't absolutely mandatory. I don't have much stage fright (so long as no one asks me to sing solo ) but I know that with some people, it's so severe they might pass out. NOT going to help build confidence if it happens on stage during a preformance. Not to mention the whole thing's tough to enforce, and not at all fair if the kids get a lower grade because they can't make it to the concerts for whatever reason.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 1:54 pm
by silvercamaro77
I had block scheduling in high school, but it was still the same classes everyday so we ended up with 8 possible credits a year instead of the 6 that we're available in jr high.I liked it because the day went faster, but the classes seemed to drag on forever. Especially since the teachers had to cover twice the normal amount of material in one class period in order for us to finish. It's fine when everything's making sense, but sometimes you just need a day to let a confusing lesson/concept soak into your brain before you're ready for the next one and with block scheduling by the time you've had that day you're 3 lessons behind.Some teachers that I had still only taught for an hour and left the other 30 mins for us to work on homework. It was nice at the time, but in retrospect, not the most effective use of time.Another downfall is that you end up with more projects due all at one time. Teacher's typically use their year long lesson plan for block schedule too just doubling the days up. So instead of having 10 outside projects due for a teacher over the course of the year, you have 10 outside projects due over half the year.As for the choir, when I was in it we had required concerts with Sunday dress as the requirement. If you couldn't attend the concert you had to have a parent note in advance and then to make up the grade we did extra homework. We had to do 5 homework assignments for the class anyway, and we could choose what we did so it wasn't a huge deal. Concerts only counted 5 or 10 points each to start with anyway so unless you missed every single one you would still do well in the class.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:28 pm
by NewCrabber
Ah, well, the reason my 7th grader hasn't complained to much about the scheduling is because he is a procrastinator and sees it as a way to put off doing homework. I should probably make him do it the day it is assigned, but he will be 13 soon and I explained how this might backfire on him. I've decided to let him decide how he wants to do it until/unless it becomes a problem for him. He doesn't however, like that his classes are so long. And with boys especially, mine included, their attention spans aren't all that long. Unless, of course, it invovles planes, trains and automobiles. LOL I'm afraid he is going to begin zoning out and miss too much. I heard him talking with a friend saying he did that already, in a class yesterday. It's just the beginning of the year, so time will tell if it will become a real problem for him (and/or his brother).I don't have a problem with 30 minutes of the class being used for homework, though. So far I don't see the negative side of that. My boys are ever complaining when they don't have any free time to run around outside with their friends and they have much less of it during the school year.My 6th grader is already experiencing the doubling up on projects. He has two due back to back the end of the week. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like a little too much pressure for an 11 year old, we'll see. Not to mention the extra stress it puts on a parent. As for the required participation in the concerts, I find it highly unreasonable, unfair and irritating that they can get away with using coercible means and imposing on students and their families by saying be there or fail, it's up to you.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:30 am
by Guest
Here's a rather silly idea, one I'm sure wouldn't work, but it might be worth trying just to make a point about these silly enforced concerts:Bill the school, the principal in particular for your time when one interferes with your regular schedule or your son's Hapkido classes. Present the bill to him in person, professionally typed up, in duplicate, etc, and act as if you EXPECT him to pay up in 30 days or less. Maybe even go so far as presenting a second notice when he ignores the first one, and make a really determined attempt to collect on it. Even better would be if you could get with some other parents and get *them* to do the same thing! 20 or 30 parents presenting the principal of the school with itemized bills for forcing their children to participate in concerts they had no intention of signing up for just might get his attention.As I said, it's a really silly idea, but sometimes the silly ideas work best for getting people to *think* about what they're doing and how it affects others.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:34 pm
by NewCrabber
LOL I actually had the same thought, it was fleeting, but I had it.It came to mind because when I was pregnant with my oldest son my doctor at the time kept me and my husband (who took time off from work)waiting for over an hour after the scheduled appointment. My husband was getting antsy and the worst part for me was that I was having an ultra sound and was sitting there with a belly full of the water I had to drink before arriving. I was half tempted to send the doc a bill. I understand emergencies come up, but I would have rather he rescheduled instead of keeping us waiting for so long.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:41 am
by Guest
I have never heard of a school even OFFERING the chance not to participate in fact I've never heard of kids who were in chorus who didn't want to show off their skills and the new songs they've learned.I went to both a public and private schools...I was in chorus class in both and they all made us dress up and have concerts.Frankly, shouldn't your kids have dress clothes anyways? I'm not talking a tux, I'm talking nice kakhi pants? A nice white dress shirt? I used to work at Old Navy and this stuff isn't expensive.Honestly, I think this is a good thing for your son. This is a good lesson for him. This will give him the experience of performing and/or being in front of a large crowd from an early age. That's not something that every kid gets the chance to do, and it's a skill that is very important in real life.Block scheduling is a good thing, it gets your kids ready for college (sort of). It's something that makes kids use their time-management skills, something they will need in college! I know your son isn't that old, but the fact is these lessons will carry over and WILL help him in college, believe me, I should know, I'm a graduate student.Don't worry about the concerts, I think you should be PROUD of your child, and you should WANT to go to his concerts. My parents always went to my chorus concerts, and I was so proud to be up there performing in front of them!
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 6:28 am
by tnyfootprntz
My husband has been teaching in the block for the past decade and loves it. It isn't "modified block" with alternating schedules, though. That's something he said he'd absolutely hate. 4 classes one semester and 4 classes 2nd semester is how they do it at his school. That allows for more credits to be earned in a school year, and only four textbooks for students to keep up with at a time. Also you could take, say, pre-algebra first semester and then move on to algebra the next. He spends most of the 90 minutes lecturing (he teaches AP government and sociology, but with the extended period, there's also time to throw in the occasional video clip or other such visual aid to help break the monotony. Also time for students to ask more questions, and to get into the occasional classroom discussion. And on test days, there's time to scan-grade the papers and go over the results afterwards. My little rant, here goes:I am strongly opposed to schools requiring extra money being spent on special attire, project supplies, activity fees for this and that, and supplies such as wet wipes and band aids. For those of us with tight budgets, a free public education should not mean having to shell out extra bucks for things like that. Not to mention the time spent shopping for them.I'm well aware that the school's budget is far from adequate, but way more thought could be put into whether or not certain items are REALLY necessary, and a "How can we find a less costly way to go about this?" approach. Then when all those inevitable fund raisers roll around, parents don't feel quite so drained.I'm done
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:49 pm
by NewCrabber
I've never heard of a public school telling it's students they either show up for concerts on weekday evenings and on Saturdays scheduled throughout the entire year or their grade will be affected. Personally, I feel that is ridiculous and infringes not only the student's, but a family's personal time away from school. All students are required to take this class, but in years past, they had two groups, one was for those who desired and were able to be in the concerts and the other for those who chose not to or were unable to for whatever reason. Block scheduling has changed that. It's not so much that I am worried about the concerts. I'm just not happy that the school can do this as well as the fact that the schedule will interfer with classes my son takes with his brother and father, who works extra hard to get them there and they are paid for in advance. I agree being on stage performing in these concerts may be beneficial for some students, but they are not the only opportunity for children to acquire such a skill that may serve them later in life. I'm sure other schools are not so different, but here, since the 5th grade, my children have had to give speeches before an audience. A much better scenario for building confidence and skill, I believe.When you live in a subtropic climate where the seasons are referred to as, "hot and hotter" people tend to dress a little differently than they do in other parts of the country. Unless of course it is necessary for a particular position in the work force. But you should see the way some of our teachers are allowed to dress, you'd probably gasp, I do. I have many reasons to be proud of my children and I am. If my son is forced to participate in the concerts for his grade's sake, I will be at each and every one of them. Are you kidding? I know pride and joy is written all over my face when I attend their functions. I learned early on to carry tissue, just in case. I welled up when they took their first steps! Anyway, I am trying my best to put a positive spin on this should my son have to do it and though I won't be happy about it given the circumstances, I do think he would have a lot to contribute. He has such a sweet voice and I bug him at least once a week to sing the song from the Advantage Flea and Tick Control for Dogs commercial. His eyes roll when I start, but I can't help myself, it's so darn cute.I won't be thrilled if I am forced to buy clothes for this, but that isn't my point. Though, I agree with Sue. If I had money to burn, I might not feel the same, but I don't. I don't mind sharing either when I can, but in the beginning of each year, I receive a supply list for each child a mile long. These supplies are not for my child only, they are for the class. Again, if I had money to burn, I would gladly donate many of the supplies needed, but I don't. That may sound selfish, and I wish it were different, but it isn't and those who aren't able to finance these supplies should contact the school. Other parents should not have to supply these items. The other thing is that beyond the initial supply list, after the student are settled, teachers send home additional lists specific to their classes as well as including tissues, baggies, wet wipes, etc. I don't mind to a point, but the expectation is out of control. I don't know what the answer is and I know our schools don't get the financial support they should, but I'd bet money the school board could do better with the budget. Especially when our elementary school spent big bucks revamping the playground three times out of the six years we were there.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:52 pm
by Guest
I agree that the concerts and stuff shouldn't be mandatory. I am not sure what age you said your son was but many kids have after school jobs and help babysit younger brothers and sisters. I can see maybe one concert out of the year be mandatory which was the case when I was in school. Also the school list have gotten out of hand. I can understand the nescetties but for example my cousin who came to live with us is 4 and starting pre school next week has KETCHUP on his school supply list! Also film and wet wipes and paper towels and tissues and the list goes on and on. I don't mind sending the things he needs but lordy. Then there are some parents who just dont care and won't send anything and then it falls back on the people who have sent this stuff to send more. I am sending my cousin Ketchup and paper towels to school but boy that new teachers lounge sure does look nice
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:49 am
by mommyfor31
My daughter's in 4th grade and has a "block" day every week since 1st grade when we moved here (Texas) I had never heard of it before but it's never posed a problem they usually do something like library and movement or computer lab and music it's usually two specials per "block" time period and since I never know what specials they'll have I usually end up having to dress my kids in P.E. appropriate clothing. I think my only complaint about schooling here compared to schooling in Germany (Department of Defense schools) is there isn't any kind of art class and it's very rigid with structure so I don't feel the kids get to be kids here.
Block Scheduling?
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:10 pm
by kuplakrabs
NewCrabberI agree with you 100%. It is completely out of line to make it mandatory for students to participate in something that requires special clothing (funded by none other than yours truly) or their grades will be affected...There really aren't any arguemnts that would change my mind on that one. And without getting into a long speech on the importance of family life and values, it is definitely an infringement upon your personal time and should not even be considered to be allowed. Again, the fact that it is MANDATORY is what really gets my dander up. Obviously the exposure is good for the students, but not when it is being forced upon them.