Any other computer gamers out there?
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Any other computer gamers out there?
I've been playing a lot of computer games lately (mostly of the adventure genre) Just wondering if anyone else plays and has some recommendations.My favorites so far are:Syberia 1 and 2The Longest Journeythe various Nancy Drew games (strange, but they're very well done)Post MortemStill LifeEgyptian ProphecySims and Sims 2 (expansions as well)Ico (PS2) I check out the Just Adventure website sometimes to check out their reviews (and I'm busy drooling over the screenshots for the Longest Journey sequel, Dreamfall) but I'm always on the look out for good games, so any recommendations would be most welcome.
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Any other computer gamers out there?
Due to my blindingly fast dialup (dripping sarcasm) I can't play games online. But I DO game on my PC. REcently I've been revisiting old favorites Dungeon Keeper and Warrior Kings, as well as the original Sims. (Mainly because I enjoy skinning and making custom weird things for the game.) Recently I've been tinkering with Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Excellent game, fun to play, and quite possibly the only "strategy" game I've played that uses ACTUAL strategy.Oh, and I just found another copy of Martian Gothic: Unification. With time on my hands for a few weeks, I'll be busy destroying my new keyboard with these. LOL
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Any other computer gamers out there?
I'm definatly a compter game addict, though the ones I play tend more toward the MMORPG genre, like EverQuest. I've been playing that for nearly 6 years now. You do rather need a decently fast internet connection to do well in that game.Puzzle Pirates is another one that I've played a bit of, and it's cute and fun in limited doses. Does tend to get a bit repetive, however. On the upside, there is a server they run that is free to play on and it's not so insanely complex that you have to have a superfast connection to play it.I don't tend to play too many plain PC games, I prefer ones where I can interact with other people, I get bored too easily with just single player games.
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Any other computer gamers out there?
I'm not too much into computer gaming because I'm worried about memory issues as I've got all my Japanese music and all my artwork stored on this thing and if something happened to them I'd go ape and probably be put in an institution. But I really love MMORPG's- especially "The World" (unfortunately I can't give you any information on The World unless you know about .hack). I actually downloaded the components for Maple Storywhich is super cute but I get frustrated with how long it takes to level up. There's also Runescapewhich is really cheesey but can be fun on those days when you're too bored to care. If you like Flash games, there's always Albino Blacksheep, but some of their games aren't suitable for kids. (Although you HAVE to watch The Llama Song!!) I'm really big with console gaming, though, so if you want to know more about that, just ask. ^_~
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Any other computer gamers out there?
I'm absolutely addicted to Zoo Tycoon 2 and Rollercoaster Tycoon... yeah
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Any other computer gamers out there?
My son loves them games at times i can't get him off the puter so i can get on and he's only 9
Any other computer gamers out there?
Awwww! Syberia!! Love that game, KC! I haven't seen the PC version of it, but I've played it on XBox I'm just beginning, so now I know where to go when I need help....
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Any other computer gamers out there?
My mom and I used the Universal Hint System when we needed hints. It's great because it's not a walkthrough; just points you in the right direction in as many or few steps as you need.
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Any other computer gamers out there?
At home, I play Rollercoaster Tycoon every once in a while... not much time these days. We play Mario Kart DD as a family (my almost 5 year old can kick my butt if he puts his mind to it).But, my husband actually owns a computer gaming center with 40 computers and 2 xBoxes on big screens. So yeah, he's a big computer gamer - mainly game titles I don't know... Warcraft and stuff like that... lol...
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Any other computer gamers out there?
I rarely finish a game, but I like playing nonetheless. I love all the Myst games, Tomb Raider and the old Indiana Jones-games.My two favourites are Sanatarium and Vampire - Bloddlines (I actually finished both!).
Ook, said the Librarian
Crabbing since 2002
Crabbing since 2002