I got denied for my disability benefits.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:32 pm

I got the letters today stating that my claim for adult child disability was denied because they could not prove that I had a serious disability.The letter states that though I do have a disability and poor vision neither are bad enough together or apart to qualify me and they based this on my age, gender and race... They have my application so messed up that they have included work dates in my work history that go back to when I was in High School, I've only ever had one job and that was after I graduated.So my mother takes a look at the letters and it hits her that they have put my application together with my dads because we shared the same name, he died waiting on his benefits, so anyway they have listed the years that he worked as if they were mine and used this to disqualify me.Based on the results of the tests they'd sent me to do my vision is bad but not bad enough and my autism is bad but still not bad enough so basically they're saying your too disabled to work but not enough to get any help from us.I knew that getting denied on my first attempt was a real possibility and that I would probably have to get an attorney and go from there which I have already contacted a disability attorney today to see if he would handle my case.I have sixty days from today to appeal this errant decision and to get this mess the Social Security Administration has created straighten out.I'm not taking this too hard because I know this is how the process normally goes some people have to go five or ten years fighting the system to get the benefits they need so I'm not going to give up and I'm not going to back down not until all of my options have run out.What gets me is they have included medical record dates for having received treatment and I was never at these locations on these dates in fact one set of dates is from the Hospital on the day my dad was there finding out he had terminal cancer so they have gotten this so mixed up to the point that its going to take a lawyer to handle it from here.I'm not going to sweat this because I know I have options to settle it, I just didn't want to have to go through anymore hassle than I already have.Word of advice if you have kids with add or adhd that are still in school go on ahead and get them started on disability now while you can because if you wait like my parents did your child/children may not get the help they need later in life.My case worker at the local Social Security office said that I might have to fight for my benefits because of my age and he actually scolded my mother for having put this off till now because she and my dad could have gotten me something started when I was a small child and I wouldn't have had to be going through this now.The problem with the current disability law is that they will only go back to the age of twenty-two on adults who were disabled as children and they will find all sorts of loop holes and catch twenty-two's to prevent ligitamitly disabled adults from geting the help they need.Its a sick world out their ladies and gentlemen, people like me get treated like trash and left to fend for themselves because society doesn't care and neither does the government.....I can't get a job because I literally can't see to fill out an application and I can't keep work because I can't think fast enough to keep up with the work pace but yet I can't get help from the very government that promises to do so.
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:49 am

The Department of Labor actually told me to pursue getting on disability because they could not place me in a job through their job placement program due to my poor vision and autism, my uncle who runs a corrugating plant near where I live told me he would have hired me but again due to my vision issues and my autism I'm considered an insurance liability and a safety hazard to the other employees and to myself so he couldn't help me.I've been told the same thing by every place thats been hiring in my county which we are an industrially driven area so we have a lot of plants for producing industrial goods and I can't even get an interview at any of them because of my medical issues apparently I've been flagged in their systems for some time so when they see my application come it they immediately dump it in the trash.I have even had phone conversations with company human resource managers and in a couple of instances they told me to stop trying that I was un-hireable and not to call back.So I'm just bad enough off not to considered a viable candidate for even the most simple of jobs but yet I'm not disabled enough to get the help that I so desperately need????This bureaucratic nonsense is a direct result of the gross negligence that happened during the last Bush Administration everybody and their uncle were getting on disability and didn't have a thing wrong with them and they have strained the system to the point that the rules and regs have been so tightened up that people like me with real disabilities can't get help now without a lawyer.Like I said I've placed a called with a disability attorney and should be hearing back on Monday if not I'll have to call his office again and hopefully he can get the ball rolling and get me my benefits before too long.Heres hoping....
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Geranium » Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:14 am

Yikes such a process! Good luck. Hope it all resolves quickly with the least amount of fuss.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Keg » Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:41 pm

You are a person of incomparable value to this forum...I suspect there is a paying job with similar requirements somewhere.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:15 am

@Geranium, thanks and me to.@Keg, thanks and yes I have tried getting jobs at computer shops as I do have some knowledge with repairing damaged Operating systems and such and I have applied at several pet stores in the area but neither venture has worked out thus far.I was told by the management at Pet-Smart that I am too much of an insurance hassle as they would have to carry some kind of health insurance on me even if I worked part time two or three days a week.I would really like to get on at my local mom and pop pet store because I have known the lady who owns it since I was about nine years old and she knows me and my family and has been considering bringing me on two days a week but her financial situation with the store has prevented this.She's paying three times more in rent now for the space her store occupies about $3000 a month versus what she was paying in the nineties which was only $600.She's not selling enough each week to be able to keep more than one employee on hand at any given time and the only thing that has saved her store this far is that she allowed a groomer to use the back of the space in exchange for help with the rent.I have also looked into getting into building custom websites for people as I do have some experience with that I used to design web pages in the nineties for school friends but it was much less complicated then versus now.lolI got the call back from the attorney that I was waiting on he wants me to come in and see what can be done so my mother has to schedule an appointment to go see him and try to work that around her work schedule.He did explain some things over the phone to me about why I got denied and that one of the applications I was working on has to be dropped at this point because of the law the Social Security Administration can't go back far enough to prove that I was disabled as a child due to a statute of limitations.He said I should have filed the adult disabled child application when I turned 18 and that basically my age now is making it impossible to get that application approved. He did say that the SSI or Supplemental income that was also filed for by my case worker is the better bet and has the least risk of being denied again based on my circumstances once he starts working on it it shouldn't take long to get it approved.
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:33 am

I would have all these companies that you apply to give you letters of why they hire you so disability can see no one will hire you. My friend also had to start getting her daughter ducks in a row to get disability and to get her in a home when she turn 18 she didn't have to much trouble though cause she is autistic. Hope you get your mess worked out. I'm sure it will.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:54 pm

@Laurie, I would do that but all the places around me are only accepting applications online and I never get a call back for a phone interview which is how the interview portion works now which is crazy, I was keeping track of how many places were accepting applications and how many of them had either thrown mine out right off or just wouldn't let me file one and when my count got over five hundred deniles or app toss outs I just stopped trying.I even tried going through a job placement group that helps disabled people get work and the lady who was running it at the time told my uncle that there was nothing that she or her oganization could do for me and suggested that I try getting on some kind of government assitance.I don't qualify for the obamacare uninsured free insurance plan because I live at home with my mother and she makes to much, I don't qualify for medicade because I don't have a work history and I don't pay bills.I've gotten the capital hill two step on everything I've tried to do to get some help.I just talked to the AC man who had to come out tonight to fix our airconditioning and he said he could tell me exactly why I haven't been able to get a job, its all to do with the fact that I'm considered a work place safety risk and consequently an insurance liability.The insurance compaines that cover companines and buisnesses have been cracking down on how many and how often high injury risk employees are hired because of the extremely high level of lawsuits that have been filed in this state by customers and clients because of injuries that occured to them due to the high injury risk personell.The insurance compaines have now said alright to prevent more lawsuits we'll just give a mandate to the compaines that we cover that they can no longer hire high injury risk employees or the insured company will loose its coverage with us.This is caused a chain reaction where people like me who are inadvertantly high injury risk due to physical or mental issues are being denied the right to work for these companies because the employer can't risk violating the agreement that it has with its insurance provider so folks like me get told no immediately upon submitting an application.Apparetnly the employer or company thats doing the hireing has the right now to do a search of not only your prior work history but also any injury incident reports related to that work history and if your injury incident reports are moderate to high this now can be used to disqualify you from getting another job.This in and of itself is my main obstacle to getting gainful employement and the very reason why I've been religated to the shadow society, this is a very large group of potential workers who have been denied that basic right and as such can't be productive citizens which in effect makes us non-people we exist but we are not recoginzed as being alive because we are not paying income taxes, we cant get cars and homes because we have no credit because we have no way to pay bills because we have no way of getting jobs.We live on the fringes of society and live off of the kindness of others because we have been denied the very basic rights associated with being human, our rights to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness have been denied us or taken from us through circumstances beyond our control.
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motley crew

I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by motley crew » Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:06 am

Silly as it is it will take at least 3 denials my husband was turned down as well even after he had is leg removed from damage of diabetes(most of his sight was already gone) its ridiculous how they treat people with real in your face issues.it was accepted after the 3rd denial Don't give up

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:07 am

@motley crew, thats what my attorney said but there is a way of speeding up the process we have to take the case to a judge and 97% of the time that a disability case goes that far the judge just overturns the past denials and awards a much higher back pay lump sum and monthly payment so in effect I could get my disability pay started much sooner and get much much more than I would have otherwise.The way it was explained to me when a judge has to make the decision he or she typically fines or punishes the SSA for denying the claim by awarding the disabled person double and sometimes triple what they were original supposed to get.Basically the Social Security Administration gets fined for the some say illegal denials of legitimate claims.I have read where your basically suing the SSA for the wrongful denial and since they are nearly always wrong they nearly always loose the suit so either way you look at it its looking better and better for me.My lawyer thinks he can get me around twelve hundred a month in SSI payments just based on the wrongful denial. The really messed up part in all this is that my dad got denied his hospice and hospital Medi-care back in June because of my pending claims for SSI and Adult Disabled Child because the SSA got his social security number mixed up with mine and when I filed so based on their error he got denied for the health insurance he needed to pay his hospital and hospice bills, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer all over his body on May 31'st and died June 6th his birth day was two weeks later he would have been 56 yrs old.My lawyer said that because the SSA is using my dads work history to disprove the severity of my disability and the fact that his medi-care was denied because of me means that this whole mess started with the department of labor getting our records crossed and then that cross up made its way to the SSA.My mother called DFACS or Department of Family and Children Services to get the issue resolved and after waiting on the phone for five hours she finally got to talk to someone and when she explained the mess up the person from DFACS just said oh I see and hung up, "They" know they have messed up and they don't want to fix it so they are playing ring around the bush and wont respond to our phone calls nor the hospital's or the hospice service's because they know and don't want to admit to it or fix the problem they made....So now because of this whole mess my dad's medical bills from May and June aren't getting paid because we don't have the money.The hospital and the hospice service have turned us over to a collection agency and they keep trying to get in touch with my dads estate problem is he was out of work for over six months, owned nothing in his name and had nothing when he died so theres no assets for the collection agency to take because he had none.The only reason his condition went undiagnosed for so long was because he couldn't afford to pay for a doctors office visit to go see his doctor when he first started getting sick because his job didn't carry health insurance on him and then he got laid off because of his illness it was effecting his mind he was getting lost very easily and would call dispatch in a panic to ask for directions and he hadn't even left the truck yard yet.My vision issue is called an acute astigmatism and is caused by a degenerative condition within the muscles that control eye movement and retain your eyes proper shape so basically one set of muscles is atrophying at a rapid pace and is causing my eyes to loose shape which is causing the lens to be warped to such a degree that my sight is very low and only getting worse.This is a progressive condition that can not be corrected with surgery so its not going anywhere and will ultimately result in me being blind but because my eyes aren't far enough along in this process my vision is still considered to be correctable so basically they want to me to completely loose my sight and then come back.....
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:01 pm

Tonight I got an earful from my mother about how hopeless me getting anything from Social Security is and that I'f I can't find a job soon I won't have anything and she needs help with keeping the house and keeping her car and on and on and on as if any of it is my fault or my responsibility.I'm basically getting told that I'm worth more dead than alive at this point because she has $20,000 in life insurance on me so I guess if I should happen to die soon she could take the remainder of the insurance money after burying me she could take that and live off of it for a while.What she doesn't know is I've been putting in applications online to the places that are hireing which are very few and far between and I've not gotten one call back for an interview and thats because I'm largely considered unemployeable as I don't have any viable work skills, a weak work history and some bad reviews from the only job I've had since graduating high school.I've got at least two injury incident reports on file that I know of from my previous employer which are also being used to deny me the right to work.Her grand idea is for me to take on two part time jobs because the employers wouldn't have to carry insurance on me and I'm supposed to somehow magically get back and forth between the two jobs everyday with no car and no license because I can't see to drive.To work part time I'd effectively be making thirty to forty dollars a day for a maximum of three days a week times two jobs, that wont cover my medical expenses let alone leave me anything to help her out with so I guess she's expecting me to give her my entire paychecks and do without the meds I need which I've been off of since 06 because I can't afford a $200 perscripton every few weeks.My symptoms have gotten worse due to a lack of control via the medication so what I used to take doesn't work anymore and the last time I tried it nearly killed me, it sent my blood pressure through the roof and made my chest tighten up to the point that I could barely breath.My lawyer basically tells me yesterday how impossible or near impossible its going to be to get me anything started because of how the system has been so messed up so I'm being told that the odds are stacked against me getting any kind of help from anywhere because my condition is not bad enough but its just bad enough that I can't even find work pushing a broom at the local department store.I'm just feeling really discouraged and depressed right now....
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Keg » Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:29 am

Crabber851) Solve a problem related to hermit crabs.2) We will buy it from you.3) That's a work at home job.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:05 am

@Keg, thats an idea. I've been looking for work and over the last couple of days have managed to find exactly zero that I am qualified to do as most require a valid drivers license because they are transport jobs and the rest of the jobs listed want prior experience in the field at least six months in a another store of the same chain or one years experience in another store.There were a few mechanical jobs doing industrial electrical maintenance but those jobs require a two year degree and at least one years work experience.I could try to find work through one of the various temp agencies we have here but there are two huge problems with using an agency such as this one they can legally take up to 80% of your paycheck each pay period for placing you in the job and two temp workers always get treated like total crap compared to the regular employees.It doesn't matter where you get on at through a temp agency you will always get less hours than the normal employees, management and the other staff will always treat you as lesser than they are which often times ends up with the temp worker getting hired on for much much less than the job position is supposed to pay and if anybody gets fired the temps go first regardless of how long they have been there so seniority doesn't count for temps because it never gets applied.My mother says that if I can't find work any other way then I'll have to go through a temp agency but she doesn't understand that I wont get a paycheck if I do that so I'll basically be working to pay the agency back between their job placement fees and the income taxes I'll have to pay so for me using a temp agency is not logical nor is it feasible.I'm currently trying to get on at my local mom and pop pet store because I have know the lady who owns and runs it for almost twenty years and she has been considering me for a position for sometime now but I'm having to wait for her finances to get a little more straightened out.
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by jenok » Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:22 am

@crabber I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I know here in Oklahoma there are a few places that specifically hire "disabled" people. Whether they're old and can't do much or mentally limited in what they can do or physically limited. Places like Good Will resale stores and such. Basically they take in donations of clothes and/or housing items and sell them at cheap prices (a thrift store) and they hire a few employees part time to sort through the stuff and/or run the register. Its not a big paycheck but its a little bit that helps people who need it. And it helps provide clothes and stuff for the poorer people who can't afford new stuff.

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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by Crabber85 » Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:30 am

@jenok, I have applied at both my local Good Will and the Salvation Army but because we are such a large city they can only take on so many people so they tend to hire when someone who is already working for them quits its basically a first come first serve type deal where I live.I was in communication with a lady who helps people like me get jobs but she finally stopped trying to find me something and told me she couldn't help me to try getting SSI benefits, this is the same thing everybody I've talked to has told me to do so I went and did it and basically got nowhere with it...
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I got denied for my disability benefits.

Post by crazycrabber » Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:18 am

that sucks, i'm sorry.
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