More trouble with mom's new husband.

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:34 am

Up till now I've tried to keep his privacy but he's just gone way too far, he stole over ten thousand dollars from our nest-egg fund then ran back to Arkansas and bought a new truck and trailer with it and he took his kids with him leaving us broke with no padding to keep the house payments up.Two months later He's now suggesting that we let the house go back to the bank or do a short sale either way my mother's credit takes a nose dive and since he doesn't have any of his own if she looses hers they wont be able to buy anything.He's sweet talked her out of a divorce three times now and each time he ends up hurting her because he just stops talking to her and blocks her phone calls and texts for days and days and then he might decide to call her back if he feels like it.I have no respect for this weasel of a man he's a user and dumber than a bag of rocks, he can't carry an in-depth conversation because he never finished school past the ninth grade and got into some heavy drugs shortly thereafter we suspect Heroine because he's got the rotted out teeth and pocked damaged skin of a heroine user which would explain why his train of thought is shorter than a second.He has no real understanding of basic topics like math or grammar and when you talk to him its real clear that he's not altogether there but he likes to brag about being able to lay 140 feet of concrete sidewalk in a day anybody can do that especially if they have thirty guys under them like he claims he had.He can't keep a job he has been fired for violence in the workplace on three different jobs so when my mom met him he was out of work going on three months and had no money it was clear to us that he was looking at her as a desperate widow who was willing to settle for anybody and he got her hook line and sinker because she was an easy meal ticket.Now that the money is just about all gone he wants her to move up to Arkansas with him and leave everything behind including the grandchildren she's got coming in a few months, he doesn't care if he causes me and my sister to be homeless that doesn't matter to him because he is selfish and self centered.He sends me a text message today which I have never given him my phone number being that I do not want to talk to him and he tells me that I live under his roof(really his name isn't anywhere on the deed and he has not made one payment since marrying my mother so how am I living under his roof?) He says because I live under his roof that his rules and authority apply and that he will contact me when he feels like it because he pays my phone bill(excuse me but I've been paying my own phone bill until Jan of last year and then my mom and dad had to start making it for me due to financial issues, the new husband who is nothing to me has not paid my phone bill once so where does he get off?) I sent him back a text stating to not contact me again and then blocked him which resulted in the two messages he'd sent me being deleted on my phone.I called my mother immediately after and let her know that I did not appreciate him trying to impose his rules and authority on me a 29yr old adult who makes his own decisions and that he needed to back up and back off because he has no authority because his name is nowhere on anything that we own he has no say. He is guilty of grand theft, criminal abandonment and harassment, I told my sister today over the phone that I will get a restraining order pulled out against him and when he violates it he'll wind up in jail and he'll loose everything he doesn't know who he's messing with I have family in law-enforcement who would be willing to pick him up and haul him off to jail just as a favor to me.His name is Bruce Edward Joel Friend he lives in Caddo Gap, Arkansas he has two kids Bruce and Jerry.He lives in a run down piece of junk trailer on the side of a mountain and has nothing because he wont keep a job.
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Jimmy » Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:17 pm

I am sorry for you man. He seriously reminds me of my Uncle Kenny. The only thing to do with those people is to let them know that you are not going to have anything to do with them. Hopefully he can get some help soon before he ends up being a jerk for the rest of his life. Best wishes for you, your Mom, and your sister. Stay safe and I hope everything turns out okay for you.
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:01 am

@Jimmy, yea I've already let him know twice now not to be contacting me that we had nothing to discuss because he isn't anything to me just because he married my mother doesn't mean he's entitled to act like my father.What gets me is my mother just turned 50 back in July and this guy is only 35 and I'm 29 he's just old enough to be my older brother and I told my mother that I could never called him dad because number one he isn't my dad, number two he's nowhere old enough to be my pretending to be my dad and number three the whole thing is just a sick joke to me.She married somebody nearly twenty years younger than herself and then expected her nearly as old children to be okay with it and call him pops.To me it's the same as if she'd married one of the guys I was friends with in High School its just sick and she has replaced us with is his kids its all about little Bruce and Jerry now they are all we hear about anymore its like we never had a childhood or that we were never her children first and I told her its like she has new kid syndrome kind of like new car accept instead of replacing her car every year she's now found a way of doing it with her children we got old so a new younger model was needed...
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by jenok » Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:58 am

Wow, that's a new concept. I've heard of newer model spouses but that's a first for newer model kids. However I see where you're coming from, BUT as far as the kids are concerned take a step back and think is what you think is happening really happening or are you yourself just a little jealous clouding your thoughts of how much attention you should be getting compared to them. Just remember younger kids in ANY situation are going to get more attention, but there is a fine line for your mom to be walking not to hurt you in the process. Your mom should know where that line is but even as adults there are situations that we just don't realize the way the other person is interpreting what we're doing and usually someone gets hurt for that reason and a lot of the time we don't realize it until its to late.Hopefully everything will play out for the best like it did last time.

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:18 am

@Jenok, yea it is what it is his kids have even said they wished that their dad would just divorce my mother because they hate her, the youngest of the two is a sexual deviant he is as perverted as you can get and has a history of such behaviors with his fathers previous girlfriends, he sold his own dad out in court a few years ago during a very lengthy custody battle where one of the ex-girlfriends was trying to get custody of the two kids because the father is a leech and spineless coward who wont even try to provide basic medical care for his children.I know for a fact that in the last two years that he's had custody his kids have been taken to a doctor exactly once because he has never had the required medical coverage on them nor the income to pay out of pocket because he has never worked a real job that offers coverage or much pay as far as that goes.Anyway Jerry testifies in court that his dad was abusive, non-caring among other things because he wanted to live with two women because they let him walk in on them in the shower, getting dressed and so forth so he could see them naked, he tried that with me when they were living here and I told him that he wasn't worth me going to prison over because he easily could have gone to another adult and told them a lie and had them believing that I was molesting him he's completely demented.The oldest just wants his dad back he can't stand the fact that my mother has stepped in and has taken the little attention he used to get away from him so he's basically alone he has nobody at this point.My mother thinks she's being their new mommy by buying them things and talking about them all the time oh they did this and they did that it was so cute...It's not really even the kids I have a problem with its their lazy good for nothing father he had my mother go out at eight o'clock last night to send him another money order for I don't know how much knowing we have no money for groceries he still got what little we had left because she can't see he's scamming her, she thinks he's gonna move her out there in a few months but whats gonna happen is he's going to get tired of her after he bleeds her bank account dry and he'll toss her out and move on to the next victim this is how he operates and she can't see it.This is the third time in less than a year that she has been scammed because shes been so desperate, all of these scammers have been on face book the first one was out of Nigeria, the second one claimed to be from Vermont and now this guy from Arkansas and she can't get it through her head that no man on a social media site is going to be honest with her they are all liars plain and simple if your a man trolling on Face-book, My Space, Tinder or any other dating site your only goal is to scam lonely women out of whatever you can get...
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Laurie LeAnn
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:33 pm

Sorry..some people have to hit rock bottom before they get may be that your mom might have to be out on her can and flat busted before she opens her eyes and sees that this guy is a leech and sucked her dry. My concern is you. If she does go with him, where will you go? Will you stay in the house by yourself or go with them or go live w relatives?

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by jenok » Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:56 am

Ditto to laurie's question/concern.How is your disability claim going? You "might" get more if your staying by yourself. But if its nowhere close to being finished that's not going to do you any good anyway.

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:10 am

Thanks to both of you for the concern your the only two who has asked these questions in a while and to answer it since I was denied on my original claim I've had to obtain a lawyer to handle the appeal and all for me and when we went to talk to him a few weeks ago he said that this could take two years or more with the way the system is now and that it will likely end up going to court for a judge to make a final decision.Basically he let me know that due to my age and lack of treatment for my autism and vision loss over the last ten years I don't have a constant stream of medical records to prove how severe my conditions really are and that the only way to win is to start getting treated immediately so that his office has the records to prove the case.I was given several phone numbers for mental health clinics in the area that used to do free clinic programs to help people like me but due to changes in the health care law they can no longer offer these free services so I can't obtain treatment without either having health insurance which I can't get or paying out of pocket which I can't do having zero income.For one session to diagnose my mental state and prescribe the meds I need would cost me over a thousand dollars out of pocket at one of the mental health facilities.So for now I'm still looking around and I was contacted by my lawyer three weeks ago and his secretary had me send in some more paper work and I was informed that I can not move out of state until my case is settled one way or the other because I'm dealing with the state and my current address is on all of the legal documents that have been filed so far.This means I would have to try to stay in my own home if possible but if not my cousins have offered to let me move in with them if I have to because they wont let me be homeless, they all kind of baby me even though I'm the oldest they take care of me because they feel like I'm a weakling who needs the help which right now they would be correct I'm basically as helpless as a newborn.I would love to be able to work and earn my own money and have things of my own like a house but getting someone to give me a job with my physical and mental conditions has been close to impossible again because of changes with the new health care law employers are no longer allowed to hire high injury risk employees as this puts a strain on the property insurance if an accident were to occur as well as the health insurance rates for the other employees.Basically because of people like me businesses were having to shut down because they were loosing coverage due to excessive amounts of work place injuries that were occurring so the new law gave the proper insurance companies the right to say hey if you hire these kinds of people knowing they are going to get hurt then we can revoke your coverage so now the companies wont even touch us.I've tried getting jobs in everything from industrial plants to dog walking and nothing, nobody wants to even give me a chance even the department of labor told me not to come back looking for a job that they couldn't help me to try getting on social security so I've done just that and still got turned down.I'm too disabled to be hire-able but not disabled enough to qualify for government assistance anybody else see the irony in that?
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by jenok » Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:17 am

Maybe in OK we have a better health system but why can't you get access to obamacare? I can get it working so why can't you get it not working?

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:30 am

Because my state isn't participating in the Federal Exchange I can't get any kind of help.I want to the Obamcare website and they quoted me a $90 a week premium and that was for Catastrophic injury coverage would be have to be paid back if I used it and was the only thing I qualified for and then sent me to the state Medicaid website where I got told I'd have to be a woman, have children or be pregnant to qualify so looks like I've got to save up for a sex change to get health insurance.
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by jenok » Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:42 am

That's crazy, I'm not a fan of obamacare but I thought that it was supposed to force the states and/or federal into providing coverage for those who didn't have income or couldn't otherwise afford it. Which kinda backfired for some since it raised the price they paid.Our state already provided coverage for pregnant women and I think there was something in there for sole providers of kids with life threatening illness, but when obamacare came out they extended it to those who lived at or below poverty which basically kept it a state version instead of federal. I really think you should write a letter to your government and or president. Course it probably wouldn't do any good.

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:17 am

@jenok, yeah its crazy folks like me got promised free health insurance before the Affordable Health Care Act got passed and then when it went into effect that promise of free health coverage was never delivered on.Everybody keeps saying that I should have qualified for free health insurance as well as a Federal subsidy check for around four hundred dollars a month according to the law but that never happened I went and applied and got denied because I was living at home with three other adults who were working at the time, I never even mentioned living with my parents they just asked for my address and then pulled up residency records which could have been old and wrong and then made the decision based on the fact that I supposedly had others to depend on.Then they quoted me the $90 a week rate for Catastrophic injury coverage which if used has to be paid back so I pay for the coverage, use it and then pay back what I used then what am I paying for coverage for they are double charging for this plan so I just said no thanks and backed out of the web page.On the topic of my mother she has now seen just how crazy her new husband is because he got outed by his own brother last night, his brother basically told my mother that Bruce has no intentions of staying here and he only ever came here to con her out of what we had left of my dad's life insurance so now she's got to make with him long enough to file income taxes with him because they both have to claim each other for the whole last year which was also a part of his sick scam he does this to get extra money back on his taxes which is why he usually gets between two and five thousand dollars back each year because he has so many deductions claimed.Once they file for taxes she's getting a lawyer and taking him to the cleaners to get everything back she's owed in a divorcement suit.We tried telling her repeatedly that he was a scammer but she wouldn't listen.He cussed her out over the phone for an hour about anything and everything because he got caught and was trying to put the blame on her.He told her to put the house up for a quick sale and to sell everything in it and to kick me and my sister out and for her to just up and move in with him.His brother said the only reason why he is doing this is because he wants to get his hands on the money from the sale of the house and once he does he'll kick her out of his house and she will have to try to find a way back here because he's also wanting her to let her car go back to the dealership.He's got a whole world of trouble coming to him for all the junk he has caused, right now he thinks he's getting away with everything but when the poo hits the fan that smirk will be wiped right off his stupid face...
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sun Jan 18, 2015 3:55 pm

I'm glad she has seen the light and hope she doesn't go back. Things will work out..

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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Crabber85 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:46 am

@Laurie, now that his scam is up he's mad and on the offensive and doing things that only makes him look worse, he bashed my whole family on Face Book and then threatened to call the Animal rescue on us because he says we don't clean up after our house dogs which we do and that we are all living in filth which we are not and so we are looking for somebody to show up to do a formal investigation that is if he actually tries to wrongfully report us, to see if his claims are true which they are not.He's trying his best to hurt us because he can't get anymore money out of us so he's resorted to public naming and shaming which again is making him look worse and worse because everybody knows he's an insane liar now.He will pay for what he's doing and when he hits rock bottom he will have nothing his new job is already giving him issues so look for that to be the first thing that goes he loose the job then because he wont be able to make his land payments or his trailer payments he'll loose his trailer and land and then he'll be in even bigger trouble because the state will step in and take his kids for his failure to provide them a home, he'll also loose his horse and his dog.He's a little boy who's playing with lit matches soon enough he's going to get burned.He's told my mother that when she files for divorce he wont come back here for the hearing which means she'll win everything by default but he's just stupid enough to let it happen because he is an arrogant fool.He has been unbelievably mentally and verbally abusive over the last few weeks which has pushed my mother to the point of divorcing him and he doesn't care he even admitted in a text message to her that all he wanted was a way to get a new truck thats the only reason he came here and married her in the first place.He doesn't know it yet but he hasn't got a leg to stand on.
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More trouble with mom's new husband.

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:17 pm

Its called KARMA! It's best just to let him rant and rave, throw his tantrums and not respond. Just smile and turn away..gets them every time. Can't have an argument with one person lol !!
