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Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:28 am
by Laurie LeAnn
went to my neuro dr yesterday my reg 6 months appt. all is good with the migraines. just have all this achey pain that just does not go away and I can take 3 tylenol, extra strength, and even arthritis type one and nothing. with the extreme fatigue, sleep issues it's getting worse. he did the points of where he puts pressure on certain areas and omg! I didn't think those spots really hurt till he pushed on them and he didn't even push that hard. some days it just feels like air blowing on my skin hurts! so he finally gave me a sample med to try to take at night to see if it helps, of course when ya get home and tell certain people what is going on you are bombarded with oh he is a quack, dr's are pill pushers, it's arthritis. oh I ache to, I just want to scream ya ok so you ache but you can take reg pain pills you get relief! you can sleep and no one is bothering you, when I sleep you always wake me up and then when I can finally sleep and no one is bothering me i don't get that deep sleep. so I am just feeling bla all the time..just waiting for karma to come around and when they become really sick and need meds I will have no feelings for them no empathy


Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:04 am
by Geranium
I was just reading about a possible link between fibromyalgia and low thyroid. Here. What did they give you for the pain? You gotta love pain relief!


Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:56 pm
by Sanberd
quote:Originally posted by LAURIE:went to my neuro dr yesterday my reg 6 months appt. all is good with the migraines. just have all this achey pain that just does not go away and I can take 3 tylenol, extra strength, and even arthritis type one and nothing. with the extreme fatigue, sleep issues it's getting worse. he did the points of where he puts pressure on certain areas and omg! I didn't think those spots really hurt till he pushed on them and he didn't even push that hard. some days it just feels like air blowing on my skin hurts! so he finally gave me a sample med to try to take at night to see if it helps, of course when ya get home and tell certain people what is going on you are bombarded with oh he is a quack, dr's are pill pushers, it's arthritis. oh I ache to, I just want to scream ya ok so you ache but you can take reg pain pills you get relief! you can sleep and no one is bothering you, when I sleep you always wake me up and then when I can finally sleep and no one is bothering me i don't get that deep sleep. so I am just feeling bla all the time..just waiting for karma to come around and when they become really sick and need meds I will have no feelings for them no empathy


Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:14 pm
by Sanberd
quote:Originally posted by Geranium:I was just reading about a possible link between fibromyalgia and low thyroid. Here. What did they give you for the pain? You gotta love pain relief! 0Hi, Sanberd Here, been suffering from Fibromyalgia/CFS most of my life. Been told to go to a shrink, went, told to go back to my Dr. vicious circle years ago. Just getting this disease namedand realized it's real was a great thing for me, As for the pain, just take one day or maybe hour at a time and don't get addicted to pain killers. I've already lost 3 friends with overdoses that had Fibro so be careful and use plentuy of muscle rubs, I make my own with grape seed oil, euculiptus oil, and rubbing alchol. I use this as often as needed. 1/3 of each when mixing. to buy this it cost 40.00 a bottle, much cheaper to make. Another good hint for pain is get in a warm bath, sprinkle epson salts on the area that is painful, rub it in with the warm water until disolved then enjoy the warm water till you want to get out. The Epson Salts puts Magnissium in to your muscles through your skin, It is asorbed and gets into your muscles faster stopping the pain. This helps with all sore muscles. Well I've yacked enough, Wish I knew as much about my hermit crabs as I di my Fibro. Gentle Hugs, Sanberd


Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:53 am
by Geranium
I do not have a fibro diagnosis but the thyroid creates many of the same symptoms. I have found a combination of things that really help me. My chiropractor has been my best friend for years now. He does trigger point massage as well as adjustments. That has helped tremendously with pain. I started seeing a Reiki healer a few years ago (interesting note, we often use Eucalyptus in our sessions). That was life changing! I have done Tai Chi for close to a decade. Recently I added Yoga to it so Im doing Tai Chi on Mondays and Yoga on Wednesdays and Fridays. I do these as private lessons and along with the Yoga we do some weight training. With all of these things, I am pain-free most days.


Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:43 am
by Laurie LeAnn
I am not one to get addicted to pain killers, I am one that hates taking meds but when ya hurt so bad you can't move, sleep, hurt to basically breathe type episode it's time for something, when I had surgery on my arm I took myself off the pain pills before I really should of and sucked it up! When you really have sucky insurance a lot of these massage therapy sessions aren't covered as well as to many chiro appts. I tried jogging for the first time last week after almost a yr of fast paced walking and I did this on grass mind you i tell you I couldn't move with out clenching my teeth for four days, it set it off so much! My thyroid has been checked and it's fine. Most days i am fine just have this nagging knot pain in my back that spreads, hips, my wrist have a little twitchy pain here and there but I have the fatigue, sleeplessness, migraines, I take meds for that daily. it's a weather related thing. I have done the hot baths, yes it does help. you are looking at a walking text book classic fibro person with other crud on top! once again I have been the gal who just does not say a word and just sucks it up, sits in pain but just smiles! lyica if that is the correct spelling? with out looking on the counter, is a sample he gave me to try, the first few days it did nothing cause I was in so much pain, last night was party night so i didn't take any[ didn't feel any pain haha } just kidding only drank 3 bottles of screwdrivers, but oh it relaxes the joints and muscles! and no I don't drink all the time! lol! was at a wedding. I am more active i want to walk or ride my bike, i want to be outside! tonight will take the meds again and see if they do anything now that the pain has settled down some.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:08 am
by jenok
Back on the thyroid thing. I don't know what tests your doc did, but I was reading the other day and discovered that thyroid problems are one of the most under diagnosed problems today. This is even with docs testing. The problem being that a lot of people that have it doesn't show on the test normally run they have to run several different tests and use they're own judgment. The people that were told they didn't have a problem went or had the other test done and started hormone treatments and almost immediately was feeling better(within a week). Sorry I can't recall where I read/seen this new info at and what all tests were done. I'm sure you can find it on the internet somewhere.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:42 am
by Laurie LeAnn
it was for thyroid because I went in thinking I had problems with it from my aunts telling me they had issues with this and that. it all came back ok. I have been on 3 days now with Lyrica at night and for the first time the other night I got up to use the bathroom and sat on the toilet and it hit me... I feel no pain in my hips, my knees, ankles, no where! when it wears off I feel it..


Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:33 am
by jenok
Well, I'm glad it seems to be working and your feeling better. The info I was reading stated that the tests given for thyroid are not always accurate. It would take several different types of tests and good judgment/knowledge to diagnose it and start the hormone therapy.


Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:00 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
I also went and got me some vitamins for 50+ year old people, since i don't drink milk, eat very many veggies & fruits, ect.. day 3 of them feel a little better after taking them to. still hurt just not as bad