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Thieves in the Night.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:14 am
by Crabber85
My dad drives a big rig for a local outfit called Tri-Star transport and they have been having a lot of issues over the last couple of months with fuel, tools and equipment being stolen from the trucks parked at the yard overnight.They have the yard lit up like the fourth of July and security cameras aimed at the trucks so the got the three guys on camera when the fuel and stuff was stolen a couple of months ago but because they could not see any faces the police department said that there was nothing that could be done.Well things had been staying quiet until last night when my dads day cab got broken into and driven off by the same guys.This has gone from stupid to pure ludicrous, I mean they go from stealing the fuel and tools to actually driving off with a truck, these guys have some guts because they know there are security cameras watching and how to avoid getting their faces seen when only the management knows where the cameras are and which way they are pointed.This leads us all to believe that these guys are some of the previous employees because they clearly know their way around the the lot and how to get in and out unseen but nothing can be proven until they mess up and actually get their faces caught on camera.Over a thousand dollars worth of fuel, two hundred dollars worth of tools and a fifty-thousand dollar big rig just up and disappear all in the span of two months....

Thieves in the Night.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:15 am
by jenok
Wow, that sucks. This is probably a dumb question, but have they repositioned the cameras? Or maybe some excellent guard dogs?The police can't/won't do anything or very little unless they catch them red handed, but won't setup to watch cuz they have "better" things to do. This has happened many times in the areas that I live and work. Where I work he used to sell cars(sometimes still does on commission). He had an older truck that was stolen, pictures of it and the guy(including face) who stole it where on a camera at the local gas station and they still did nothing.Another story I heard about from a friend that had his truck broke into so he called the cops and went to work. They came back and his kid thru rocks and scared them away. The sad part is it took 2 hours for the cops to show. This is a little town it should've took 15 min to get there then they would've caught the guys. Nothing else major was going on. This happened around 8am. Sometimes I wonder what the **** they get paid for "to sit on their a**". Needless to say he was pretty hot. He's an electrician (has his own business)and they stole a lot of wire(copper $1,000+)that he was going to be using on a job. Can't blame him though I was too when he told me about it.

Thieves in the Night.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:02 am
by Crabber85
Yeah he just got in from work ate and went to bed.His boss is now trying to find the truck and they reviewed the security footage from last night and the thieves actually drove another day cab into the yard just to steal my dads...

Thieves in the Night.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:34 am
by obba714
My Great-Grandmother got burgled when she was away for a month or two. One set of Sterling Silverware and two silver vases. No fingerprints, and no more fancy silverware. They actually came twice, and set off the alarm once and left and the police came.