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Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:06 am
by Tongue Flicker
My partner and I (well, mostly just I lol) have decided to get a baby sugar glider next month or early next year. We have everything setup right now and the only thing missing is that cute little critter.Anyone here who coincidentally keeps one as well?

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:07 am
by jenok
No, they're a little out of my price range. I've always wanted one though.

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:58 pm
by Tongue Flicker
Well the average price of dogs and cats here are still pricey. A baby sugar glider here will usually cost around $55 while a dog or a cat would cost between $175-$200. How much do they price there in your country?

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:22 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
My son has ferrets, they are about 135 -150$. Very high maintenance animals, food, litter has to special, temp of the room, they get fur balls they have to have cat meds. They get sick with their own diseases and need vets that deal with them. We had a hard time finding a vet around here when Kyle moved back home. Research your pet before you buy. I don't think Kyle did, just like he did with the crabs that I now own.

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:12 pm
by Tongue Flicker
I did a couple of years just researching. Sugar gliders are one of the two reasons why i have what i have the pets as listed on my siggy (the other reason is a tortoise) LOLIf i got a tortoise and sugar glider way before, then i wouldn't have had everything else

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:57 am
by Crabber85
@Tongue Flicker, where I'm from the Sugar Gliders are sold for $200 or more depending on the store and the food that is most often sold for them is not even the right kind so 99% of newly purchased Gliders end up dieing in the first couple of weeks simply because they starved to death.There are a few pet stores that quit selling them because they cost so much and the store has to be licensed to sell them which most aren't which leads to a huge cost in caring for these animals.The cost of a proper setup can be as much as $300 or more where I live so these animals don't make good pets from a economical point of view.

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:23 pm
by Tongue Flicker
So that's why there are only like 3 active sugar glider forums available. I guess sugar gliders are a rich man's pet outside of Asia. I'm glad their price and maintenance cost are cheap here.Anyways, good news! Got my 3-month old girl today. Another female and a male will be gliding in next month so she has playmates if ever i'm out of the country for work or a meeting. Cute little crtter, keeps crabbing at me but i could hold her without getting bitten. She also does a low volume crabbing dialog with me when i'm talking to her with a low voice haha so funny. I'll get some pics up once she's accustomed to the sights and sounds of my other pets

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:16 am
by jenok
I can find them here on craigslist in the pet section for around $100 just the glider whereas dogs and cats are anywhere from free or can go into the $1000s depending on pedigree or if someone's moving and can't take there pets.

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:35 pm
by Tongue Flicker
Oh, I would've assumed that every dog in the US/UK area are of pedigree or should i say a 'dog with a non-stray breed'.We have wild or stray dogs here that look or resemble a mix of multiple breeds.I'm just glad my baby suggie is a good girl. Day 1 is already a successful bonding session and no bites happened. Unlike everything i've read on every suggie forum

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:13 am
by jenok
That's always a good thing. The house dog we have now is a rescue dog. We live in the country away from the bustling cities and lots of people think its ok to drop off an unwanted dog and think they can hunt or find food for themselves, but in reality they either can't and starve or start chasing livestock and are shot or get run over by a car. A select few make it to a home with a big enough heart to take them in.Our baby was in the garage area where the door was up eating what few pieces of food it could find that were dropped by the can we keep the dog food in for our outside (penned) dogs. She was so skinny I wasn't sure she would make it nothing but skin and bone no meat or muscle it was very sad looking at her. She appears to be mostly Corgi but is a little longer than most of them so she may be mixed. It seems like at some point she was house trained so we cleaned her up and kept her inside slowly trying to fatten her up so she wouldn't get sick from overeating. She is one of the best dogs we've had, but now she's spoiled and getting too fat.

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:47 am
by Tongue Flicker
I'm having the horrible images of US dog pounds now lolGood job on the dog. At least he found his way to some good people. Some people never care Finally, an update! My suggie and i are officially closely bonded. She hasn't bitten me yet (and i hope it stays that way) and acts like a playful, naughty little puppy playing chase and tug war

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:08 am
by jenok
They are such adorable creatures. Soooo cute!

Sugar Gliders!

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:17 pm
by Tongue Flicker
She's tame and calm most of the time but still easily gets startled if someone sneezes, coughs or laughs haha