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darn pets anyway

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:49 am
by Laurie LeAnn
I knew something was up, the cat wasn't doing his normal routine. Then he kind of quit going unless I hauled his 23lb butt to the litter box and then his tail would twitch. Been this route before and last time I had to haul. Him to the vet it was in a large tote the Dr could examine him cause he was so hateful and was trying to bite him he got so worked up that he pooped in the tote and got it all over and had to have a bath, I got my arm ripped up from his teeth. So on the way to the Apple orchard I stopped in to see the vet see if I could just get medicine instead of going through that again. Well my vet is in Alaska! Won't be back til Thursday, great. They have an office in another town about 50 miles away, I asked the receptionist can't they just ok you to give me meds if you have it here, I know this is what is wrong. What's the point of me hauling him up there and stressing him out and they can't touch him either, you know how he is!I don't want to make him wait til Thursday or Friday. She explained my devilish cat to them and i got the meds. 45$ then get wet food for him to no. It in, today went to Wal-Mart and got him dry food for cats with urine issues. Hope this helps pluss this doesn't have an ingrediant that some have that cAuses their poop to be harder. Starts with a p. Cause most of the dry foods gave him the runs. I honorable we are back on track, he has started using the litter box again and going number 1 & 2 yeah!

darn pets anyway

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:22 am
by jenok
I'm glad you was able to get it took care of. Some vets will if you've been with them awhile and some simply won't. You can't blame them though given everyone is "sue" happy now and not everyone is smart enough to realize whats going on if its the same or different.

darn pets anyway

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:32 am
by Laurie LeAnn
oh ya been going to them for years, he knows me as the person who just can't have " normal " pets! sebatian sure is not NORMAL!