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pets dropping like flies!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:51 am
by crazycrabber
since august, one of my hermit crabs died, one of my caterpillars died, one of my praying mantis's died, and just last night, my hamster died! i am sick of the death, but i see the light at the end of the tunnel. All my other pets are either younger or pets that live a long time, like a tarantula and hermit crabs. My cat is getting older though, he is older than i am. He doesn't seem that old yet though! Then, my fish, he is the most resilient pet i have ever had! he gets dropsy, like every 3 weeks, and fights it off every time on his own, without medication! so he is fine. My hamster died last night, i am pretty sure it was old age though, as i had had him for 2 and a half years, which is a little above the average for a rodent, and i don't know how old he was then, so he couldn't have been about three years old when he died. he lived a long life. Pretty sure his death was because it was his time. It is so sad though, because he never bit once, and hamsters usually bite a lot! he was such a sweet heart! I hope he died in his sleep! Most hamsters don't look that cute. In my opinion, and my parent's opinion, them and guinea pigs don't look as cute or furry as other rodents. But he was an exception! And as scared as he was, he never bit once! One thing you realize more strongly than ever after a pet death is how much closer you become to all your other pets afterwards, because you never know when it could happen to the rest of them!

pets dropping like flies!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:41 pm
by Crabber85
Sometimes you loose pets in groups like that, this happens because pets who are purchased around the same time age at similar rates and so reach their maximum life expectancy close to each other which makes loosing them even harder to deal with and believe me I know.I've lost three generations of pets over the years with the latest being a group that consisted of three cats and three dogs that we originally got back in the early nineties.Getting them in groups is fun while it lasts but the heartache is much worse when they pass.

pets dropping like flies!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:44 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
I know, I had to put my cat down. As much of a pain in the BLEEP he was I still get weepy. Then my son had to give his ferrets up for adoption and I was very close to them, it was like a death all over again with in 3 weeks. They show unconditional LOVE. They don't judge YOU. I'm 51 now I got rid of all my cats things but his one toy he played with. No more cats. I can't physically take care of one any more and it just hurts to much to lose one