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random stuff

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:19 pm
by Laurie LeAnn
Took cat to vet, not any better. Took blood to see what is goin. Not going to the litter box unless I take him or eating very well. They weighed him and he is at 31.8lbs! They said that is nee record for their vet clinic. He is on pain killers and more antibiotics and waiting to see what the blood work shows.Went to get my drivers license renews and the guy at the counter kept starring at me then looking at my old picture on my driver license. I'm thinking o.k. what's up? Why is looking at me? He finally said you lost weight? I said yes. He asked how much. I told him, he looked at he w eight I had on my old license, lol I hadn't changed that weight in 27 year. He was sort of confused! My license from before and my picture before I was probably 245!Saturday is my nieces 4th birthday, my sister law had bad habit of trying to out do everyone on a gift but she can't afford anything. She lost her house, can't afford to eat, pay bills but she will run all over and buy junk she don't need for her grandkids. Well this year I thought you know it's none of her bees wax so I lied I told her I only got her bubbles. Really I got her a pink bean bag chair. Movie. And a kids match game set. Oh yes and bubbles! If she says anything I will tell her Kyle and I went shopping Thursday. This woman expects the family to past her bills and take care of her because her husband died. She feels entitled. Family have pd her way and she has abused our generosity. We all have our own bills to pay why should we pay hers? She went and cried to her other brother that she didn't have money to have her tooth pulled , he whipped out160$ gave it to her, and then she had it pulled but yet she takes off and runs two times a week to Warsaw and gas is not cheap here.I put leaves in my crab tank and thought I had all the bugs killed, guess not! Now I have little tiny micro bugs crawling alloverLooks like a deep clean coming soonWell I am done ranting