FMR is a Bad Hermit Crab Company?
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FMR is a Bad Hermit Crab Company?
I have to say, I'm with you Crystal..... One thing about the giftshops- I'm pretty sure the completely humidity-free set-ups they put in their stores are FMR- they usually have them out in the open, with an X-tra large wire cage, and no food/water. They bathe/feed them weekly, and think as long as they bathe weekly, humidity/fresh water isn't necessary. And, with all we know here about PPS, I don't think they know or even acknowledge what it is- they tell everyone with crabs who are dropping legs to bathe them in tetracycline. No mention of ISO or increased humidity, just more stress for the poor hermies, who more than likely are suffering from dehydration as opposed to a bacterial infection.Sorry, I'll step down from my soapbox.....
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FMR is a Bad Hermit Crab Company?
It says:"Create a social, healthy environment. Crabs thrive on company and are the most active and entertaining when they coexist in pairs or in a tree crab community. When increasing the number of hermit crabs, be sure to provide more space for them. They also need a warm and humid environment, 70-75 degrees F." -FMR caresheet fmrpets.comIt's the only mention of humidity on the entire site. This says nothing about how humid it should be or how important it is (crabs will suffocate and die). The customer doesn't know what a humid environment is. They don't know how important it is to have gauges to monitor it. And they're not told. They're sold these KK's that are supposed to be the perfect home "because FMR says so". That's it. So most assume that it is OK. That's why most newbie's here never even heard how important it is to keep up the humidity until they came here. That's why I said that they don't mention it on the caresheet. Technically they do, but really they don't. It's also 4th on their list. I just can't think how you can put a pricetag on the life of any animal. Like the amount of $ they're making is worth all the 1000's of crabbies dying each year. I don't get people anymore...since when did we become so much more important than any other creature on the planet.