Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
We're collecting nonflammatory, polite comments to send in petition form to the Discovery store headquarters. For some reason, sometimes snail mail can get a response, possibly because they can't really set up an automated system as easily as they can with email.Anyways, if you have a comment about the crab cove you'd like to have sent off, please feel free to write one. The more comments, hopefully the more likely we can get them to stop selling this horrible product. Thanks.
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
I'll write one!"I am very disappointed to see that the Discovery Channel Store is selling the Hermit Crab Cove. It is a poorly made, at best, habitat that will not support these amazing creatures in captivity. Hermit crabs have specific care needs in regards to heat and humidity and neither of these variants can be properly maintained in the Hermit Crab Cove. The product is also too small for hermit crabs, not to mention horribly overpriced. Please remove it from your shelves, catalogs, etc. at once, as it is sure to be the cause of death to many hermit crabs. Discovery Channel Store has always sold quality educational toys for children, which I have been very proud to support. The Hermit Crab Cove, and all the other habitats with different names that are essentially the same product, is a black mark on the store's reputation. I will not be purchasing anything from the store until I see that these products are no longer sold. Sincerely,Bernadette Howarth, New Jersey"No critiques from anyone, please. This is what I want to say and how I want to say it. Thanks, KC, for taking the time to collect comments for the petition. And thank you, everyone, for all the negative press on the website. If we can stop just one person from buying that thing,...we saved a couple crabs!!!
Topic author - Posts: 2932
- Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:27 pm
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Sorry for the length. I've tried to cut it back but there is nothing I would like to omit.Dear Discovery For years I have faithfully trusted your company’s ethics, knowledge and commitment to the welfare of animals, however I am greatly disturbed and upset by an EXCLUSIVE product called the ‘Hermit Crab Cove’ that you have chosen to put into the hands of consumers. Was this product researched at all?? If it was, I am certain that you would not support a product that so completely neglects the most basic needs of hermit crabs. Land hermit crabs come from tropical regions of the globe, including the Caribbean, South and Central America and parts of Australia. They are social, enjoy the company of large colonies and capable of traveling long distances in the proper environment. Their lungs require a certain amount of moisture retention to operate properly, or they risk suffocation. They molt in order to grow and regenerate missing limbs and will bury themselves in sand for weeks or months at a time while the new skin hardens. The Cove’s biggest oversight is it’s complete failure to address the crab’s need for WATER! NO living creature can exist without it. As such a reputable source, how is it that you’ve missed this? There is no room for a dish to provide some and the product does not include so much as a sponge. Hermit crabs require both fresh and salt water. The plastic structure of the cove is not capable of maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels. It’s small size eliminates the potential to provide friends and disregards their social needs. The depth is not conducive to providing sufficient substrate vital to molting, and there is insufficient room for items of pleasure, interest and exercise. In short, any crab placed in this cove will be subjected to a short and lonely life and a slow, painful demise. Please redeem yourselves and take this off item the market today!Sincerely,Deb SullivanDracut MA
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
Topic author - Posts: 2932
- Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:27 pm
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Okay, sorry to take over this thread but I want to provide more info. The Cove is sold at a slew of stores unfortunately. Discovery's claim that it's exclusive was probably done to pass it off as a responsible product. e-toys, KBtoys, Target, etc, all carry it. It's manufactured by Uncle Milton Industries. http://www.unclemilton.comBut let's not give up because the issue still remains that it's a death sentence for any hermie that calls it home. We just need to change the focus. I think we should send the petition to Uncle Milton Industries and CC the others. As for Discovery, I think we could and should continue in the direction we were going with them. They backed a product as exclusive and regardless of the fact it's not and they don't manufacture it themselves, their name may move it quicker.Another option is to post it for free on http://www.petitiononline.comYou can educate and discourage buyers there too.Any thoughts on this?
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Yes, Uncle Milton (don't even get me started on that company name!) is the company who produced the Frog Habitat that I first purchased from DCS and I knew the Hermit Crab Cove was the same thing. They are exactly the same container, you can tell. I definitely think we should stay on track with the Discovery Channel Store, and we should send the petition to Uncle Milton as well. In fact, I am going to Uncle Creepy's website and writing him my own thing to complain about the habitats. Their products are horrible, but they will continue to produce them as long as the stores buy them. The stores will buy them if consumers buy them. I think it is good to complain to the stores that sell them and kill sales first. Did you notice that Circuit City sells the cove for $10 less than DCS? That thing is such a rip off!
Topic author - Posts: 2932
- Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:27 pm
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
If anyone wants to write directly:UNCLE MILTON INDUSTRIES, INC. c/o Steven Levine5717 CORSA AVE WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 (818) 707-0224 , (818)707-0878 fax
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Personally, I think you have done a great job at researching this product, CrabbyAbby.... all of the info you have provided here is great! I did read the reviews on Circuit City's website, all of them are really bad too (which is good!). At least we are making a mark, those negative reviews cant help but deter prospective buyers, I know reading such reviews would stop me from buying that product. And thats a start, if we can cause sales to drop significantly then we are headed in the right direction. Yes, I think we should continue in regards to writing to the manufacturer and retail stores too. Thanks for the address.
Topic author - Posts: 2932
- Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:27 pm
Hermit Crab Cove Kit sold by Mass Retailers
Found a great quote on the web just now by American anthropologist Margaret Mead. I thought it was inspiring enough to share."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.
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Spay or neuter your pet. It's a matter of life or death.