Ecuadorian and Ruggie Pics

Archived species-specific information.

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Ecuadorian and Ruggie Pics

Post by Froggz37 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:00 pm

I never minmagined how hard it would be to get a good pic of something the size of a marble, wiggling and determined to release my grip on it! But I got a few decent pics of my E's to share. You can kind of see the different colors they have along with the leg stripes. If they would have held still (riiight, I know) I could have gotten better pics. Only one of my ruggies was up and about tonite so I couldn't get many pics of them. Those are my E's. Granted only two of them but thats all that was out and about tonite. I'm waiting on them to get larger for many reasons lol. Here is one of my ruggies:

Topic author

Ecuadorian and Ruggie Pics

Post by Froggz37 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:07 pm

The first pictured crab and the one in your link are both the same little one. His pb has stitches but so do a few of my other E's. I purchased him from a tank full of E's and I'm 100% sure he's an E. Here are a couple more pics of him. You can see the inside of his legs being a light blue, and the big clunky brown bp typical of E's. He also has the chubby eyestalks. He'll be so eaiser to tell for sure when he gets alot bigger. Just because two more were out, here's the bp of those, they werent quite as willing to emerge. When I have time I'll try to get a better pic of those two, and there is another yet to be photographed lol.
