Hermit Crabs on Amazon?
Hermit Crabs on Amazon?
Is it safe to order these crabs? Just curious.
Hermit Crabs on Amazon?
Or these???
Hermit Crabs on Amazon?
The write up says purple pincher but neither crab shown is a PP. They say not to order if it is too cold or hot which is a plus in their favor. And the natural shells also a plus. And they know they need to be in pairs or more, also a plus. But the crab supplies they offer/suggest/claim as safe are inappropriate (KK, etc). They also dont say it is overnight shipping so I am wondering how they are going to manage this without stressing the crab. They also do not know proper care, they are saying colored sand and a KK are safe and healthy, shells as water dishes, and so on. I would have a lot more questions for them before I would consider an order.That 2nd one seems to have a minimum order of 50 crabs!
Hermit Crabs on Amazon?
Minimum of 50? No wonder they were so cheap!Thanks for the analysis, Geranium!