painted shells

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Tonys Hermits
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painted shells

Post by Tonys Hermits » Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:22 am

Are painted shells actually toxic to hermit crabs I seen them in painted shells at petco and they are running around happy as can be I know some can chip off and some are toxic I already know that but these crabs are not dying I have one in a shell thats painted and he has great color and is fine and more vibrant colored than the ones in the natural shells is it fine to offer them painted shells I know zoo med neon shells dont usually chip the only reason why people hate painted shells are the methods they use to place them in. Do you guys agree offering them natural shells yes or no

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Laurie LeAnn
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painted shells

Post by Laurie LeAnn » Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:19 pm

People for the most part here buy a crab in a painted shell out of mercy and pity and a rescue.. as soon as they get them home in a tank they offer them all natural shells. 9 times out of 10 the crab will ditch the shell they were in for a different shell. Pet stores buy them cause they know they can sell them to kids cause they are cute and funny to look at. Then sell them a kritter keeper and tell them a bunch of false information about the care. They can go in and toss the dead ones before they open. If you have healthy crabs in painted shells your a lucky person. Some people buy them then find their poor crab can't molt because he has been painted in his shell. Over time the shell has started to crack, the paint has chipped and the crab is stuck..paint might not be toxic right away but build up over time and weaken your crab then cause him to be ill during a molt when he needs to be at his strongest, like with fish food flakes and some hermit crabs foods

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painted shells

Post by jenok » Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:00 am

Like laurie said most things that are toxic will not show harm right away it takes a little while to build up in their system and then one day - bam no more crab. Sometimes if they put the crab in the shell before its completely dry the crab can get stuck inside the shell when the paint dries.
