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Connecting tanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:20 am
by NickB
So I have two 20 gallon longs right now and I am only using one. I want to connect them together via some plexiglass/plastic route. One tank used to be used for turtles so the last owner cut one of the end panels in half. Has anybody tried this or have any ideas as to how I might do it? I am using a side heater that currently is just wasting half of it's heat into the wall so I think I could use it to heat the other tank too? I want to keep it under 20 dollars because I am saving for drivers ed (yay!).

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:04 am
by jenok
[QUOTE]Originally posted by NickB:So I have two 20 gallon longs right now and I am only using one. I want to connect them together via some plexiglass/plastic route. One tank used to be used for turtles so the last owner cut one of the end panels in half./QUOTE]What do you mean by the end panel in half? There are ways to connect though it would probably be a lot easier to see if someone would trade you a bigger tank for the 2 smaller ones. Depending on how your tanks set together is how it would need to be set up. Can you post a pic or 2? If not explain in more detail please. You can use aquarium silicone to bond everything together but it has to be really dry before exposing the crabs to it.

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:19 pm
by latieplolo
This guy does a lot of great work with fish tanks, you might find something helpful in his videos. I think if you could remove two of the panels (either the side panels or maybe even one of the top panels to connect them vertically), you could seal them together. You'd have an ugly seam in the middle, but that could be hidden with driftwood or something on the inside or some kind of decoration on the outside. Your hermits would have to be moved into temporary housing for a while, though.

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:22 pm
by latieplolo
I think this is essentially what you want to do, except not in a corner shape.Good luck! Post pictures when you finish it.

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:34 pm
by NickB
It's kind of hard to explain. On one end of the tank, the guy cut the top half of the glass off. So now it has a hole on on end.However, if I traded them for a 40 gallon would I need to get a heat lamp?

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:43 am
by jenok
Technically you should be able to use the uth pads you were already using. But you won't know for sure until you set it up and monitor it for a few days.If your still thinking about putting them together. Place something that they can crawl up on one side and something to go down the other side like a vine or something. then use a plastic tub or make a cube with plexi to sit on top of the sides that are joined so the crabs can't get out when climbing from one tank to the next. Kinda like tubes connect hamster cages(only don't use them for the crabs they would be to small and trap the crabs).

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:39 am
by Shawn
If you completely remove the end panel that was cut and remove an end panel from the other tank you should be able to put them together. You will have to cut the top and bottom trim where it extends beyond the ends of the tank. Leave the trim above and below the tank intact to serve as a center brace, it just needs to be flush with the ends of the glass. Silicone the edges of the glass where they meet and you may want to use some electrical tape to tape the trim from the two tanks to each other. You will not be able to lift or move the tank while it is together, but if you ever do need to move the tanks, you will need to cut the silicone between them and then re-silicone them once they are in their new place. I would not do this if you plan to fill them with water as they may not hold water for very long. As a terrarium they should be fine so long as you don't keep your sub too wet.You could also cut the end piece on the second tank to mirror the modified tank, then use the piece that was removed to be cut into strips to silicone between the two tanks at the edges to fill the gaps. This will allow you to have water the depth of the cut end pieces. Still can't move it as a unit like this though, without at least making a wooden platform beneath that would support the whole thing while lifting.

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:35 pm
by NickB
Thanks for the ideas! I need some money before I can actually execute any plans. So they will have to wait till Summer.

Connecting tanks.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:05 am
by Shawn
Great link Latieplolo, I've spent the last week watching all of his videos.NickB, on that guy's channel there is a video called How To: Build a big tank. He disassembled two six foot long tanks and used the long sheets from both tanks to build a square tank. You could use the four 30" long sheets from your tanks and build a 30"x30" tank out of your tanks. You'd just need to buy a 1/4" thick sheet of glass, 30"x30.5" to use as a bottom. For top and bottom trim you could use 1"x1" Oak with a rabbet cut into it to make it an L shape to support the glass.Or, the easiest way would be to go to your local plumbing supply store and get a few feet of 4" or 6" PVC pipe and a couple of matching sized elbows and just make a tube to go up-and-over into the next tank. You'd still need to replace the end of the tank that was modified.