Hermit Moon of Endor Crabarium (pics!)
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:19 am
Click here to view an image gallery of my latest Crabarium iteration:http://home.comcast.net/~JediM...20Moon ... dor/Here's two samples: I went down a totally different path than ever before this time.Even with going back to having a bit busier tank with the Mysterious Shoreline Crabiarum, having more available hidey spots and climbing, less open, I still felt it was just a bit too open.I've finally come to the full understanding that crabs don't need true flat exposed "floorspace" to walk. They will dig under, through, and over anything, and actually prefer it that way.Additionally, when I did my deep clean, only 4 crabs were on the surface. 3/4ths of the crabs were in fact all the way flat on the bottom glass. I figured I needed to do something to get them back up (granted it's winter time, they are usually much more surface active in spring and fall).My idea is that if they have sufficient coverage and security on the main level, they won't need to bury to feel secure.To achieve this, I plastered/saturated the whole main level (underneath the metal cube structures) with fake plans, half-logs, and plastic hideys. Then I covered the 2nd level ontop of the metal cubes with smaller baskets, and interweaved fake plants in all the cubes, sides and top, creating a true "canopy".Oh, and I also extended the 2nd level cube platform quite a bit, so it covers about 25% more area.The water pools are still in front, as it's the best way to access them. Heck the only way to access them this time! And I put the trusty bonzai on the right. But this time I didn't even leave the bonzai alone. I surrouned it with a fake flowering plant thing to create a real dense security area. And you can see a complete fake fern plant on the left side! I've just been waiting for a chance to use that since I got it at hobby lobby!Then I "filled in the blanks" with a ton of driftwood and cholla.I had a large bucket full of driftwood I've had for a long time but haven't used since I had so much mold trouble so long ago. But now I figured that I have the UV lighting and humidifiers and better airflow, mold shouldn't be as much of a problem. I still don't have the driftwood touching any moist substrate directly.Since I used smaller baskets, I split the empty shells into three baskets this time instead of two.The crabs seem to love it! And they truly love being at the TOP of the world! The rear basket with that handle is only 1 inch from the top, and every night there are two crabs perched up there, and often a crab ontop of that driftwood arch which is just inches from the top as well. They seem to enjoy the extra heat up by the lights too.And generally it seems to be working. I see crabs all the time chilling out behind ferm leaves up on the top, or snug inside some vine leaves inbetween some driftwoods.It really starts to look more like pictures of crabs in the wild, when you always see them perched on trees and such.And it's been a couple of weeks now and still no mold.Last time I tried a 5:1 ratio sand:EE. I might not have had a full 5:1, maybe 8:1 or 6:1. I think I did one brick to 3.5 bags of sand. This time I did 1.5 bricks to 3.5 bags of sand, to up the ratio a bit and try that. And this time I think I did a good job of keeping the sand at the right moisture level, pouring about 1 or 2 cups of water into the tank every week. And same as always, I retain about half a bag of old substrate to reseed the new tank.I can't come to any conclusions yet. In my experience going through all-sand very moist, all-sand fairly dry, 50/50 separated, 50/50 mixed, 8:1, 6:1, etc, it's hard to say one size fits all.It seems that I have the best luck with PPs using all sand slightly moist. I went through my longest 1.6 year no PP deaths that way. With 50/50, my E's had molt deformities, but it might have been due to a food I was using with copper sulfate (before we realized how bad it was).With all-sand, the exotics didn't seem to do as well. But with the last time 6:1 ratio, I didn't loose a single exotic or E over the course of a year, but did lose some PPs.So it seems that PPs prefer sand, E's don't like too much EE, but exotics like some mixture. but this is so far a limited data set, and just a theory, not a conclusion.Additional info: I use two duetto 50 filters in the 1/2 gallon fresh and salt pool. I use stress-coat 2 drops per gallon, and instant ocean 1/2 cup per gallon. I have 100 watts of moon glues (two fixtures, 25w per bulb), and a repti-sun 5.0 which is probably too old to be effective anymore and should be replaced. I think the UV coating only lasts about 2 years maximum. I have two tropicaire humidifiers wtih two 90 gallon rated whisper pumps, each of them is T'd so both valves go to a single humidifier. And the lights are on wall socket timers. During the summer I replace one moonglo fixture with dayglos and put it on a daylight cycle. And the pools are propped up on upside-down coffe cups so that sand/ee can't get in over the edge. I use plastic mesh so crabs can easily climb up, in, and out. And I have a rock on the back of the tank top so the crabs can't push their way out when they inevitably do crawl up the cords and hang from the ceiling. I fully clean the filters and pools once a month, and i filter and save 1 cup of water from each to reseed after cleaning.