What type of aragonite sand is best?

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:31 pm

My local aquarium sold me Carib sea arag-alive live aragonite reef sand packed in salt water. I drained the sand as best as I could. It is still quite moist, but with 1/3 of the aquarium top opened, my humidity is staying 75%.I have that in1/3 of my 10 gallon tank with 1/3 coconut fiber substrate and the other 1/3 a mix of the 2. If this is not the best sand for my crabbies, I want to know! I am new to this and have lost one and don't want to loose another!

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:33 pm

Also, they sold me a bag that says "best by May 2013" is this a problem? I will not hesitate to throw it all away and start over if it is better for my crabby buddies!

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:44 pm

Sorry, it's me again! Is beta pro water an acceptable substitute for fresh water? Thanks for all the great info! I wasted so much money listening to the so called "experts" at the pet store, and unfortunately my daughters Crabilina died. I wish I had become a member sooner.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:46 pm

Honestly I don't know if this would be okay or not. As far as I know the only substrates that are okay are playsand from the hardware store and EcoEarth (or similar coconut fiber sub) often used mixed together. I have a vague recollection of a discussion a few years ago about this but don't remember the outcome. Unless someone who has experience with it chimes in, I would replace it.Sub needs to be sandcastle consistency, hydrated with dechlorinated water, marine grade salt like Instant Ocean in the dechlor water can be used to hydrate to help prevent mold. It needs to be a minimum of 6 inches, more if you're crab is larger.Since youve lost one, post answers to the questions and we can help make sure your conditions are ideal. Here.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:47 pm

We have all been there. Petstores should be required to give accurate information!The water is probably okay. I didn't find any of the big no no's but honestly it would be cheaper and easier to get a good dechlorinator like Topfin or API that removes chlorine and breaks heavy metal bonds but no slime coat or aloe. And then use tap water.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:13 pm

Thank you for you quick answer. I read somewhere that play sand could have contaminates? However, If you have been successful using it, I will replace this stuff! Crabilina passed within 2 days after buying pets smart brand moss. She was fine before and then I noticed her eating the moss. The next morning she was curled up tight in her shell. I moved her to iso tank and she hung in there for 2 days until she passed. That is the only thing I can think of that was different.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:45 pm

Check the playsand for petroleum odor, do not use if it is such. Also you want to get it from the middle of the pile, closed bag, preferably indoors. Playsand is what has been recommended here since I joined (2011). FYI: If you have an extremely sensitive nose, you will notice the plastic bag odor, this is not a problem.The moss might have been the culprit but much more likely PPS (post purchase stress, I think is the right term). Basically they have been through so much to get to us and all of it truly awful, that they die as a result of that extreme level of stress no matter what we do for them once they are in our care. To me post purchase should really be pre purchase since the stress happened pre purchase but I am not in charge of labels. LOL.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Crabber85 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:48 am

Yeah the live sand is a big no no because it contains live bacteria that will die without being water and when they go it will cause the whole tank to stink and can even cause the sand to become toxic.Like Geranium said the play sand is the only kind of sand that can be safely used with hermitcrabs.I've been using play sand as my main substrate for years now and have not had an issue with it thus far.
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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:37 am

I now have a crab that has buried himself. I don't know if he is molting or not. I didn't notice a color change yesterday when I added the live sand. I have only had him for 10 days. He is usually my most active guy. This is the first time he has buried himself. Is it safe to remove him and change the sand?

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:13 am

It is always risky to dig up a buried crab but it is also risky to have inappropriate substrate but if he is just now gone under and if you're ready with good, safe sub, I think I would do it. Then once he is set he can molt in a safe environment.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:04 pm

I gently picked up my digger crab with a spoon and placed him in a small indention that I made in the Eco earth without sand. Is this good for an ISO tank? Now, I put play sand in 1/2 of my 10 gallon tank with the other 1/2 Eco earth. I didn't know which my crabbies would prefer. Now my temp I'd 79 degrees with a humidity of 96%. I have taken the glass top off, and put my screen top on. I live in texas, so I haven't had to use my UTH. Is this humidity too high? If it is, how do I reduce it? I really appreciate you all!

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:11 pm

EE, playsand, or a mixture are all fine for substrate in an ISO tank as well as the main tank. As long as it is 6+ inches deep and of a consistency that it holds a form like a sand castle would, it is good.Keep an eye on the humidity, it is high but having the lid off and living in Texas which tends to be more arid than other parts of the country, I would expect the humidity to come down. Watch that it doesnt go too low. Mine really like 80-85%, 75 is the lowest it can go before damage would start to occur. It is probably high because you just put the new sub in and it needs a little time to stabilize.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:14 am

Another issue. When I changed substrates yesterday, my humidity was 98% with dry coconut fiber on one side and sandcastle moist sand on the other side. I was thinking I would wet the coconut fiber a bit at a time to keep the humidity around 78-80%. Now one of my crabs has buried himself in the dry substrate. What should I do? I have misted the top and poured de chlorinated water in the corners. Can they molt in dry substrate? I don't know if he is trying to molt or just de stressing?

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Geranium » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:24 am

Is it actually dry? Mine won't dig in it if it won't hold enough to make tunnels. It could have taken some of the moisture from the sand side.

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What type of aragonite sand is best?

Post by Caetymarie » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:32 am

It was EE straight from the bag. A little mist on the top.
